Career Education Hosts TRENDTalks Networking Event
The Office of Career Education (OCE) will be holding a new networking event, TREND Talks, on Feb. 18 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. At this event, speakers will give brief TED Talk style presentations, which will then be followed by a networking reception for speakers, students, and industry professionals. The event will be held in the Great Room in the University Commons.
Topics presented will include building relationships while working abroad, diversity in the workforce, entrepreneurship, and avoiding career burnout. Featured speakers include Jodi Hallen-Waxman, a consultant of The Entrepreneur Option, Ayana Pilgrim-Brown, diversity lead for Vanguard’s Talent Acquisition organization, Nicolas Dippel, senior regional recruiter for the Peace Corps, Shakeyia Kersey, senior business development lead for ATANE Counseling, and Ivan Carter, the co-founder of Simple Fast Marketing.
Students should wear business casual attire and bring copies of their resume to the event to share with employers. Resume reviews are available before the event during OCE’s Express Advising Hours.
The snow date for the event will be March 4. Students can register for the event through Handshake.