Minor in Marketing
Are you a communication major interested to work in the field of Advertising and Public Relations? A psychology major interested to work in the consumer research domain? A major from any discipline looking to start your own venture? A marketing minor might be your ticket to success!
The minor in Marketing is designed to provide non-business majors with an overview of the marketing discipline. It will enable students to explore various career options within the field of marketing and to use the discipline knowledge to further their career goals within their major. This background is useful for students who will be working in organizational settings, regardless of their majors but might be of particular interest to students pursuing a major in Communication, Psychology, Graphic Design, Art, etc. or any other majors who might be interested in being entrepreneurs.
With a minor in Marketing, you will get an opportunity to:
- Become familiar with marketing as a discipline.
- Explore and identify various career opportunities available within the field of marketing.
- Develop and execute a marketing plan.
- Use critical thinking and domain-specific knowledge to solve marketing problems in a variety of contexts.
- Demonstrate the quantitative analytical capability to generate solutions to marketing problems.
Featured Courses
Marketing Strategy
Required Course
Focus on integrating aspects of strategic management into marketing. Topics coverage includes competitive intelligence, customer behavior analysis, quantitative marketing, and the marketing mix. This is an integrative course in marketing that extends the marketing topics learned in prior marketing courses. The course uses a seminar based approached where new perspectives and trends in marketing are analyzed through a conceptual lens and these learning are applied in real/simulated scenarios.
New Media Marketing
Elective Course
Learn the essential skills to manage a web presence for a small business or non-profit organization. From registering a domain name, creating a hosting account, to installing, designing and managing a self-hosted WordPress site, you get hands-on experience in managing a web presence. With e-mail marketing, search engine optimization, and social media integration, you will develop marketing strategies for your sites and how to measure their success. Legal aspects about domain name ownership, copyright and e-mail marketing laws will be addressed. With real life examples, you will learn to assess the value of Internet service offerings and how to avoid scams.
Consumer Behavior in Sport
Elective Course
Study theories developed in psychology and marketing and builds a bridge to sport consumer behavior. A common thread in this course is to provide a better understanding of how individuals make decisions and judgments in spectator sport consumption setting. To this end, various theoretical frameworks and practical implications relevant to sport consumer behavior are examined.
Introduction to Data Mining
Elective Course
Gain an introduction to the key concepts, tasks, and techniques of data mining. Learn to manipulate and extract new information from large amounts of data. Topics will include data preprocessing and feature selection, decision trees, cluster analysis, classification, machine learning, evaluation and validation, as well as scalability. The course will illustrate these issues and techniques through the use of practical applications and examples taken from various domains, including biology, computer science, sociology, and economics.