The Haber Stays Green: Sustainability at Arcadia
One of the most striking parts of Arcadia will always be our beautiful Haber Green, home to countless events and casual games. Everyone is able to enjoy it, from staff to seniors, to those just visiting the university for the first time, and everyone in between!
While there’s not a whole lot just one person can do, having a substantial number of people doing their best to care for the environment can make a huge impact. We want to keep not just Haber Green, but all of campus’ plant life, safe and healthy. Here are a few Arcadia-specific tips for promoting sustainability!
Check your usage: When I lived in Dilworth and Kistler, I often noticed students overusing certain supplies. And by that I mean the amount of paper towels that made it into the garbage, along with sinks constantly being left on. It may seem small, but taking this into consideration can make a big change! Only use the amount of towels you need, or if you live in Knight/Oak, consider replacing your paper towels with regular ones. As for water usage, just double-check that the sinks in any of Arcadia’s dorms or public restrooms are turned off before leaving saves a ton of water.
Switch to sustainable and cost-effective methods: Consider our water usage again; a lot of us buy huge cases of water bottles to have in our rooms. If you can, why not try switching to a Britta filter? The cost of one and a filter or two will slowly but surely become cheaper than getting cases of water every grocery run. Plus, you’re no longer contributing as much to plastic waste, as all those bottles end up more often in landfills than recycling centers. This is just one example, but think about how you get your food, clothing, and any hobby materials, and consider if you could be doing it better for cheaper!
Utilize public transport: Let’s be honest, part of Arcadia’s appeal is how close we are to SEPTA’s Glenside station. Make sure to take advantage of this if you can! SEPTA’s bus stop also lies right outside of campus, near Heinz Hall. If you are able-bodied and need to travel anywhere within the state, utilize the train or bus, or consider carpooling whenever possible.
Shop locally: Trust me, I understand the allure of doing all our shopping on Amazon. Some things are just easier to get shipped straight to you; why go all the way to Target for more toilet paper when it can appear on your (metaphorical) doorstep the next day? That being said, when you’re able to do so, shopping locally is a game changer for the environment around you. Produce Junction will always be an excellent way to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables while staying in a great price range. For any gaming fans out there, Classic Game Junkie in Glenside sells all your video game needs, from modern consoles to those released before we were born! And if you’re looking for any art-related needs, whether that be jewelry and accessories, wall decor, or custom-made portraiture, shopping at Arcadia’s own Art Sale events is wonderful for supporting your fellow student’s endeavors and going home with a lovely product of your own.