Policy Title | Weapons-Free Campus Policy |
Policy Category | Public Safety and Environmental Health |
Original Policy Approval Date | October 18, 2019 |
Responsible Office | Finance and Administration |
Related Policies | None |
Policies Superseded | None |
Frequency of Review | 5 Years |
Date of Next Review | January 2029 |
I. Scope
The Weapons-Free Campus Policy (“Policy”) applies to all faculty, staff, students, independent contractors, and volunteers of Arcadia University, as well as to third parties visiting the Arcadia University campuses in Glenside, Pennsylvania and Christiana, Delaware, or any other Arcadia University facilities in the United States or abroad. See section IV for the definitions of capitalized terms contained in the Policy.
II. Policy Statement
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure the safety and protection of all staff, faculty, students, independent contractors, volunteers, and visitors to Arcadia University.
III. Policy
Arcadia University (the “University”) prohibits all persons who enter any University Property from carrying a handgun, firearm, or prohibited Weapon of any kind onto any University Property, regardless of whether or not the person is licensed to carry the Weapon. The only exception will be on-duty law enforcement officers, or other persons who have been given written consent by the University to carry a Weapon on University Property. Residents of University Housing are prohibited from carrying or possessing any weapon in any University Housing.
Even when off campus, all University staff, faculty, students, independent, contractors, and volunteers are prohibited from carrying any Weapon while in the course and scope of performing their job duties for the University, regardless of whether or not they are licensed to carry a firearm. Employees may not carry any Weapon covered by this Policy while performing any task on the University’s behalf. The only exception will be persons who have been given written consent by the University to carry a Weapon while performing specific tasks on behalf of the University when off campus.
This Policy also prohibits Weapons at any University-sponsored event or function, such as meetings, conferences, parties, or picnics, regardless of whether or not the facility where such events are held has a different Weapons Policy.
Failure to abide by all terms and conditions of this Policy may result in discipline up to and including termination or dismissal or a temporary or permanent ban from campus. Further, with respect to individuals who are not affiliates of the University, carrying a weapon onto University Property in violation of this Policy will be considered an act of trespass. The individual will, without exception, be asked to leave the premises and may be subject to prosecution.
If any person becomes aware of any violation(s) of this Policy, they should report it immediately to the Department of Public Safety or, in an emergency situation, by calling 911.
IV. Definitions
A Weapon is a lethal or dangerous device capable of causing injury. The following is a list of prohibited Weapons. This list is not exhaustive.
- Airsoft rifles/pistols
- Ammunition including rounds, casings, shells, clips, magazines, cartridges, and paint pellets
- Bows, crossbows, and arrows
- Brass knuckles
- Dangerous knives (switchblades or any knife with a blade over 3” that is not designed or used for food preparation or eating)
- Swords, including decorative swords • Guns (handguns, shotguns, semi-automatic weapons, automatic weapons, rifles, etc.)
- Mace or pepper spray (Individuals are permitted to carry less than 1 oz. of pepper spray for personal protection in the form of keychain canister or similar, if the individual is otherwise permitted to do so under Pennsylvania law. This is permitted in recognition of the prevalence of such items on campuses, but it is the University’s strong recommendation that if an individual feels unsafe or threatened, their first step should be to contact Public Safety.)
- Makeshift or 3D printed weapons
- Martial arts implements
- Pellet or BB guns
- Projectile weapons triggered by air, gas, explosion, or mechanical means
- Stun guns or Tasers
Realistic facsimiles of weapons are also specifically prohibited, other than for artistic purposes with advance notification to and consent of the Department of Public Safety, such as for a production of the Theater Arts Program. Requests should be directed to the attention of the Director of Public Safety and should specify what weapons facsimiles are at issue and for what purpose / event, when and where the weapons facsimiles will be used, who will be handling them, and what steps will be taken to prevent misuse, unauthorized use, and unsecured storage.
University refers to Arcadia University, its colleges, schools, affiliates, divisions and subsidiaries.
University Housing is housing owned or operated by the University.
University Property includes, without limitation, all University owned or leased buildings and surrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways, plazas, parking lots and garages under the University’s ownership or control, excluding public rights of way. This includes the Glenside and Christiana campuses, as well as any other University facilities in the United States or abroad. University vehicles are also covered by this Policy at all times regardless of whether or not they are on University Property.
VI. Effective Date
This Policy is effective on the date that it is signed by the President.
VII. Date of Approval
October 18, 2019