Friday, Feb. 25: Virtual Career Conference for ​Black Male Students 

By Daniel DiPrinzio | February 9, 2022

The LFW ​Global Leadership Summit: ​A Virtual Career Conference for ​Black Male College Students, will be held Friday, Feb. 25 from 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 
The leadership development career conference aims to help Black male students navigate the global leadership pipeline and provide information about the full range of opportunities available to them pre- and post-graduation, particularly those with a global focus.
The summit will discuss opportunities in study abroad, the Peace Corps, global business, and fellowships. It will cover the topics of diversity and inclusion in global leadership, career development and readiness on a global scale, international leadership development, and networking and global exchange.
Arcadia is an institutional partner for the free event, which is hosted by Leaders of the Free World, an international experience and leadership development program for young Black men. 
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