Employees Recognized at Service Awards Luncheon
Arcadia University celebrated the many milestones of its employees on May 25 at the annual Service Awards and Retirees Luncheon.
- Dr. William Frabizio, 40 years of service: “… Bill Frabizio has been the mainstay of the music department and the music program at Arcadia, now, for a full two generations. During this time he has enriched the life of the university not only through his teaching of innumerable students—and through his overseeing of the many adjuncts who have taught both instrumental and vocal music here—but also through his willingness to bring his own music to the minds and ears of this community. Composer, arranger, ensemble leader, performer on the professional stage, musical scholar, Bill has encompassed the full range of musical genres and styles, from classical to swing and jazz. He has performed with many of the greats of our time. His horn playing has brought great pleasure to those of us who have been fortunate enough to hear him!”
- Dr. Barbara Nodine, 40 years of service: “Barbara Nodine studied psychology as an undergraduate at Bucknell University and experimental psychology at the University of Massachusetts. Inspired by her own opportunity as an undergraduate to do “hands on” research projects, she sought a teaching career in an academic environment of that type. Much of Barbara Nodine’s work has been applying cognitive psychology to students’ classroom learning, in particular writing as a teaching/learning tool. Interested in the cognitive processes of writing, both the underlying cognitive aspects and the pedagogical implications have been central to much of Nodine’s work. She was involved in the national writing-across-the-curriculum movement, exemplified by some of its earliest development at then Beaver College. Nodine has written a study guide for an Introduction Psychology textbook that was described as the best of its genre in providing exercises for students to learn the material. Other publications and her G. Stanley Hall lecture emphasize the need for student learners to interact with the course material. Barbara has been deeply involved in a variety of local and national organizations in Psychology and she has won a myriad of local and national awards. Moreover, Barbara has been the driving force in developing and fostering the research based, student-centered curriculum that guides the Arcadia Psychology Department to this day.”
- Dr. Richard Wertime, 35 years of service: “Besides being a teacher cited by innumerable Arcadia alums as providing one of their most formative educational experiences, Dick has overseen a tremendous increase in the number of students in our M.A. in English program, and his long hours and hard work must be given much of the credit for it. He’s always worked tirelessly to bring prominent writers to campus, some of who are Beaver/Arcadia graduates. Prior to coming to Arcadia, Dick taught English for 7 years at Rutgers University in New Jersey.”
- Mr. Robert Mauro, 30 years of service: “Bob is the caretaker of all students and faculty in the department. He has goals, guidelines and rules that are important but are dealt with in a fair, understanding and level headed way. Bob is a great mentor to me—I have learned, and will continue to learn from his experience. His advice is never wrong—I always tell people to listen to Bob—he is like Tim Gunn on Project Runway—listen to him, take his advice and learn from it. He knows what is right to do in every situation and if you don’t listen to him… you will realize you should have.”
- Maryanne Bowers, 25 years of service: “Maryanne began as a graduate student in English at Beaver College, then became a very fine instructor in our English program, then joined the Institutional Advancement Office as a grant writer and moved up the ranks to the position of Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development, which she held for many years. She has returned to teaching at Arcadia much to the delight of the English Department and her students.”
- Dr. Jeffrey Shultz, 25 years of service: “Jeff received his bachelor’s degree from MIT in Mathematics in 1970 and his Master’s and Ed.D. in Anthropology and Education from Harvard in 1975. Jeff came to Beaver College in 1985 from the University of Cincinnati and assumed the role as chair and professor of Education. In 1997 he became the Coordinator of the General Education Program. Currently Jeff serves as Assistant Provost for Special Projects and is a senior member of the Education Department. Jeff has published many books and articles and is nationally and internationally recognized for his work in sociolinguistics, ethnographic methods and research, and internationalization and multiculturalism. He has also been President of the Council on Anthropology and Education and an active leader in the American Educational Research Association. Jeff has been a major innovator in curriculum development. He was instrumental in taking the lead in developing the Beaver College general education curriculum and was influential in developing an emphasis on internationalization and multiculturalism on campus. He has won many awards outside the university and was awarded Professor of the Year by his colleagues within the University. Jeff is also known as a kind and compassionate person who cares deeply about students and his colleagues. Currently Jess is probably most proud of his role as grandfather to his 2 grandchildren, newly arrived Hannah and her big sister Nina. We want to thank Jeff for his many years of service to Arcadia.”
- Al Johnson, 25 years of service: “Al has worked for the Facilities Department since 1981. He is a hard worker and he is always pleasant. He has got plenty of nicknames around the campus from the staff including ‘Trouble’ and ‘Slow N Steady.’ He is a joker at heart and always makes work pleasant and enjoyable. His hobbies include playing pool and fixing things up around the house.”
- Valerie Barnes, 20 years of service: “Valerie has worked for Arcadia University Facilities Department since 1989. She has been a hard working, dedicated and loyal employee since the beginning. She has seen countless companies come in to run the Facilities Department and has shown each of them the same amount of dedication and resolve. She is very pleasant to work with and is one of those employees you love to have. In her spare time she loves to bowl and shop!”
- Betsey Batchelor, 20 years of service: “Betsey Batchelor has been the heart and soul of the painting concentration in the Art & Design department for the past 20 years. Her passion for the medium, her love of color, and commitment to individual expression is the framework for the richness in her teaching. Betsey provides a unique community environment where her students can develop and grow creatively, and she continually nurtures their potential. On the personal side, there are some interesting things you may not know about Betsey. She is an avid gardener. She considers gardening to be painting without the stress of content. She can’t stand the telephone and can go weeks without checking her messages. She is not given to road rage, but all bets are off if you drive a Hummer. She is addicted to color, so much so that she can feel color physically in her body. She has a Parson Russell Terrier named Otto, who has his own Facebook page.”
- Domenic Dileo, 20 years of service: “Dominic has worked for Arcadia University Facilities Department since 1990. He has been the face of the Library for as long as we can remember here. He is a hard worker who likes to make sure his coworkers are happy with the appearance of the Library. He handles all issues with diligence and makes sure everyone is happy with the outcome. Though he works hard at work, his favorite pastime is spending time with his grandchildren and taking them to the park. He is a great worker, grandfather, and person who is always looking to do things better.”
- Edward Frazier, 20 years of service: “Edward has worked for the university’s dining services since he was a teenager. You would probably recognize him by the goggles and gloves he wears while working. He is a very hard working and rarely misses a day of work. When there is snow he may often walk to work. Eddie is a quiet and focused employee. He loved by all of his fellow associates. He enjoys playing the lottery and taking bus rides around the city.”
- Dr. Thomas Hemmeter, 20 years of service: “Tom has been the energizer bunny of the University Writing Program since arriving at Beaver College and must be recognized as making great contributions to the cause of writing at Arcadia, especially in turning the new curriculum from a set of ideas on paper into a reaction being felt by new generations of Arcadia students. He has been a crucial link in the cause of reviving Writing-Across-the-Curriculum at Arcadia. Tom also works to support literacy programs in the Philadelphia area, proving that the profession of English is not reserved to an ‘ivory tower.’”
- Mary Hornyak, 20 years of service: “Mary came to Arcadia University as an adjunct professor of Education in 1990. She became Coordinator of the Educational Leadership program in 2006 and coordinates the Supervisory, School of Principal and Superintendents certification programs. Within one year, Mary was instrumental in developing the Ed.D. program in Educational Leadership and recently wrote and submitted proposals to the Pennsylvania Department of Education addressing the new standards for School Principal and Superintendent’s certification. Mary received her Ed.D. from Rutgers University and holds 4 teaching and administrative level certificates including Superintendent’s certification. Mary was acting superintendent of schools in the Wissahickon School District, Elementary Principal in the Radnor School District, and Assistant Principal and an elementary and middle school teacher in Lawrence Township Public Schools. Mary has had an impact on many of our local school leaders. She has been responsible for training many of our best principals and superintendents and her students truly respect her commitment to excellence and professional responsibility. In addition, the faculty in the Education Department respect her knowledge and know that Mary is the expert in bridging the gap between theoretical and the practical.”
- Dr. John Luetzow, 20 years of service: “John is also a therapist and has run a private practice all during the time he has taught for us. It may be because of this connection that he at one time had a sign (created by a student) on his office door, proclaiming him ‘Dr. Trance.’ But the sign might also have referred to another characteristic, which is that he is intensely interested in the religious experience of non-Western, indigenous peoples. He used to play a lot of videos in classroom showing religious rites. It included, it seemed, a lot of drumming and dancing, which (the drumming especially) caught the attention of his colleagues with offices in the hall. But eventually they came to accept it, ‘Oh, that’s just John.’ He is very active in bringing speakers on campus, and very active in getting grants. He works in the intersection of religion and science, especially brain science, and he has been very successful in promoting the minor in religion and advising a number of individualized majors that have a central focus on religion.”
- P.J. Miles, 20 years of service: “PJ has worked for the Facilities Department since 1986. He is a good hard worker who does just about all the set ups on campus. He is reliable and always gets the job done whenever possible and as quickly as possible. He handles supplies and distribution and without him, Facilities would really be in trouble! When he is not at work he likes to swim, watch movies and listen to oldies. He also used to box in his free time!”
- Jo-Ann Provasnik, 20 years of service: Jo-Ann is very dedicated to her job and to Arcadia. She is always the first one at her desk in the morning, and her hours are like clockwork. She keeps tracked of everything and is known for being able to pull up a paper trail for any conversation or invoice, usually stamped with her signature date stamp. She cares enormously about detail and about having correct information in our database, and she seems genuinely excited each year to clean up old order records before we close out the fiscal year. A few years ago, Jo-Ann named herself our “birthday gnome” and coordinated all the birthday celebrations for the department, complete with a festive tablecloth. It is always important to her that the whole staff can share in any celebration, and she will set aside a piece of cake for anyone who can’t be there. After every party, she sends out photos that she took at the event. Jo-Ann also takes a great interest in the students who work for her, who often reward her with big hugs.
- Althea Singletary, 20 years of service: “Althea has been a most dedicated associate for over 20 years. Althea is the morning Chat Supervisor running the day-to-day operations with efficiency and personal attention. She takes great pride in what she does and is respected by the other associates and members of the university. Althea has three girls and a husband with whom she loves spending time. She also likes the gym and working out.”
- Arlene Snyder, 20 years of service: “Alene Snyder began working at Arcadia University at the then Center for Education Abroad in 1990. One of her favorite stories is to tell about how she and David Larsen shared a box of paper clips when they began working together. Since that time, those paper clips have held many applications together as she has been part of sending over 30,000 students abroad during those twenty years of service. Her career has also steadily risen during that time with her most recent appointment in December of 2009 to Director of Health, Safety and Security. Arlene chairs national safety committees in the field of international education and is a regular presenter on the topic. She holds a bachelors degree from Rutgers University and a Masters degree from Penn State. She is currently working on a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology at Arcadia. Arlene is involved at her church as a Eucharistic minister and delivers communion on weekends to shut-ins and other folks who can’t make it to church. She loves the outdoors and nature and particularly enjoys decorating her home during Christmas. Her brother, fellow Arcadian, Rich Conroy, although admittedly biased, states that ‘she is a pretty thoughtful person too.’”
- Donna Whitlock, 20 years of service: “Donna is one of those people whose personal attention touches nearly every student at one time or another, not to mention the faculty and staff. With another successful set of Commencements last week, we can add another 1,000 students who benefitted from Donna’s organizational skills, logistical expertise, promotional prowess—and her commitment and diligence to getting the facts right and the details done. Donna is responsible behind the scenes at all of our special academic events—Commencements, Honors Convocations, inaugurations, groundbreakings. Three Commencements have been special for her—those of her son and her daughter, and when she earned her degree from Arcadia. In many ways, Donna is “information central” at Arcadia. For two decades, she has read almost every word written about Arcadia. Thanks to Donna, stories of Arcadia student’s research projects, study abroad, theater performances, and gallery exhibits often appear as feature stories in hometown papers up and down the East Coast.”
Please see the list of employees being recognized for 5, 10 and 15 years of service.
- Lori A. Bauer, University Relations, 5 years
- Michele D. Cain, Conference Services, 5 years
- Linda B. Carney, Physical Therapy, 5 years
- John K. Daley, Biology, 5 years
- Judith I. Dalton, Student Affairs, 5 years
- Dr. Erica R. Davila, Education, 5 years
- Frank DeMeo, Public Safety, 5 years
- Carlos A. Gonzalez, Library and Information Technology, 5 years
- Karen M. Heil, The College of Global Studies, 5 years
- Dorothy A. Jayne, Oak Summit, 5 years
- Karen C. Kohn, Landman Library, 5 years
- Eva C. Korolishin, University Advancement, 5 years
- Tamara H. Lapman, Enrollment Management, 5 years
- Adam M. Levy, Psychology, 5 years
- Carole L. Loeffler, Art and Design, 5 years
- Eric B. McCloy, Landman Library, 5 years
- Tyler J. Mitchell, Library and Information Technology, 5 years
- Gail E. Moser, Enrollment Management, 5 years
- Jamar A. Nicholas, Art and Design, 5 years
- Dr. John A. Noakes, Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, 5 years
- Helvi Nujoma, Library and Information Technology, 5 years
- Dr. Naomi Phillips, Biology, 5 years
- Margaret L. Poteet, Enrollment Management, 5 years
- Tina M. Rocchio, The College of Global Studies, 5 years
- Dr. R. Wesley Rose, Biology, 5 years
- Clifford A. Tironi, The College of Global Studies, 5 years
- Calvin H. Wang, Landman Library, 5 years
- Matthew A. Wolf, University Relations, 5 years
- Amanda L. Zimmerman, The College of Global Studies, 5 years
- Hector Fraguada, Aramark, 5 years
- Lydia Whitelaw, Templeton Bookstore, 5 years
- Nancy Acconciamessa, Educational Outreach, 5 years
- Allison Baily Hallam, Physical Therapy, 5 years
- Donna Cavallaro, Education, 5 years
- Michael Engel, Computer Science/Math, 5 years
- Sue Greco, Education, 5 years
- Dr. Heather Hopkins, Education, 5 years
- Lawrence Lee, Computer Science/Math, 5 years
- Susan Magee, English,Communications and Theater Arts, 5 years
- Ms. Millicent Neff, Education, 5 years
- Dr. Kim Quandt, Chemistry and Physics, 5 years
- Andrew Rosen, Center for Adult and Professional Education, 5 years
- Steven Ryan, English, Communication and Theater Arts, 5 years
- Carolyn Shaner, Education, 5 years
- Michelle Sims, Computer Science/Math, 5 years
- Syreeta Washington, Psychology, 5 years
- Dr. Kathleen Wirth, Educational Outreach, 5 years
- Adam Levy, Psychology, 5 years
- Patrick Butler, Aramark, 6 years
- Phyllis Feggans, Parkhurst, 6 years
- Greg Satko, Parkhurst, 6 years
- Elizabeth Hatch, Parkhurst, 7 years
- Kevin Jones, DTI, 7 years
- Amy Latchmi-Persad, Aramark, 7 years
- Meg Lavan, Templeton Bookstore, 7 years
- Alex Smolyanitsky, Aramark, 7 years
- Kevin Townsend, Parkhurst, 7 years
- Darryl Solomon, Aramark, 9 years
- James M. Adams, Treasurer’s Office, 10 years
- Christine L. Coppa, Student Health Services, 10 years
- Darci M. Counsell, The College of Global Studies, 10 years
- Elizabeth A. Crawford, Public Safety, 10 years
- Deborah Devine, Student Health Services, 10 years
- Jose Dieudonne, Library and Information Technology, 10 years
- Jeffrey W. Ganz, Public Safety, 10 years
- Susan F. Gettlin, University Relations, 10 years
- Dr. Warren R. Haffar, International Peace and Conflict Resolution, 10 years
- Dr. Sandra M. Hordis, English, Communication and Theater Arts, 10 years
- Barbara A. Kleckner, Public Safety, 10 years
- Carol A. Lyman, Psychology, 10 years
- Dr. Jennifer Matisoff, English, Communication and Theater Arts, 10 years
- Dr. David A. Paulk, Medical Science and Community Health, 10 years
- Linda M. Pizzi, Undergraduate Studies, 10 years
- Dr. Lester M. Sdorow, Psychology, 10 years
- Druey J. Simmons, College of Global Studies, 10 years
- Regina Smith, Chemistry and Physics, 10 years
- Susan S. Tomlinson, Physical Therapy, 10 years
- Enma Camilo, Aramark, 10 years
- Ed Gensemer, Aramark, 10 years
- William Braunewell, Education, 10 years
- Susan Castle, Education, 10 years
- Gretchen Haertsch, English, Communcation and Theater Arts, 10 years
- Priscilla Jeter-Iles, Education, 10 years
- Dr. Vance Kincade Jr., History, 10 years
- Stephen Kleiman, Music, 10 years
- Dr. James Paradis, History and International Studies, 10 years
- Debra Rosenblum, English, Communication and Theater Arts, 10 years
- Alice Sparks, Education, 10 years
- Dr. Matthew Wexler, Education, 10 years
- Andrea Zeises, Education, 10 years
- William Geiger, Education, 10 years
- Joan Dugan, Computer Science/Math, 10 years
- Sharon Knight, Aramark, 11 years
- Morriel Issac, Parkhurst, 12 years
- Emory Jackson, Parkhurst, 12 years
- John McNeil, Aramark, 12 years
- Jeff Martin Aramark, 13 years
- Mike Saloma, Aramark, 13 years
- Terrie Thompson, Parkhurst, 13 years
- Murdock Juliet, Parkhurst, 14 years
- Diana Murdock, Parkhurst, 14 years
- Craig Brockington, Aramark, 14 years
- William S. Elnick, Registrar’s Office, 15 years
- Nancy J. Magid, President’s Office, 15 years
- Dr. Kathleen K. Mangione, Physical Therapy, 15 years
- Elizabeth C. Scholly, Business Administration 15 years
- Anna M. Wagner, College Of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 15 years
- Pedro Camilo, Aramark, 15 years
- Al Fletcher, Aramark, 15 years
- Brian Wallace, Aramark, 15 years
- Robin Fickle, Art and Design, 15 years
- Christine Mullin, English, Communication and Theater Arts, 15 years
- Ricardo Murdock, Parkhurst, 16 years
- John Hagerty, Aramark, 16 years
- Louis Stanford, Parkhurst, 16 years
- Lavoun Scott, Parkhurst, 17 years