Bassetti One of Four in U.S. Earning Scholarship to Risk Management Conference
The University Risk Management & Insurance Association (URMIA) is proud to announce its selection of Mimi Bassetti, Director of Administrative Services at Arcadia University, as one of four risk management professionals receiving the association’s 2012 Regional Conference Scholarship.
The scholarship program provides financial support to URMIA members who have not had the opportunity to attend the regional conference. Recipients will attend one of four regional conferences held throughout the spring around the United States.
The scholarship program is administered by the URMIA Membership Committee, which selected scholarship recipients from a pool of highly qualified applicants. Each scholarship recipient will receive $500 to be used toward travel, registration and other expenses directly related to the regional conference.
The four scholarship recipients are:
- Brandi Aston, Assistant Risk Officer, Oregon State University (Western Regional Conference)
- Mimi Bassetti, Director of Administrative Services, Arcadia University (Northeastern Regional Conference)
- Rob Dahl, Manager, Environmental Health & Campus Safety, Pacific University (Western Regional Conference)
- Angelina Ogan, Risk Management Specialist, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Midwestern Regional Conference)
The University Risk Management and Insurance Association (URMIA) is an international non-profit educational association serving colleges and universities. Its core purpose is to promote the advancement and application of effective risk management principles and practices in institutions of higher education. URMIA represents more than 1,700 individuals at more than 525 institutions of higher education and nearly 100 companies with members ranging from small schools and community colleges to the largest U.S. institutions. The URMIA National Office is in Bloomington, Ind., at Indiana University. For more information, visit or call 812-855-6683.