Message from the Dean of the School of Global Business

By Purnell T. Cropper | April 3, 2012

By NJ Delener

As the Founding Dean of the School of Global Business, I am thrilled to be at Arcadia University. The mission of the School of Global Business is to educate students to become successful, principled leaders who make a difference in the world. Under the newly-established continuous improvement process, our students will continue receiving a superior learning experience that is grounded in an excellent business curriculum that prepares them to become successful leaders.

Our vision in the coming years is to capitalize on unprecedented opportunities to join other forward thinkers across all businesses. We will accomplish our vision of becoming the educational nucleus for a collaborative, thriving global economy in reaching out to the stakeholders like you to build partnerships. Like any partnership, we as a higher education institution must add more values every step of the way, to your degree, your network, and your alma mater.

I encourage you to reach out to me personally with your thoughts, questions, or ideas on how we can work together. Please send me an email at

Keep up the Arcadia spirit!