Princeton Review Names Arcadia Among the ‘Best in the Northeast’
View of Grey Towers Castle from Haber Green
Citing Arcadia’s global perspective, “phenomenal study abroad program,” and “excellent academics,” The Princeton Review has named Arcadia among the “Best in the Northeast” in its “2016 Best Colleges: Region by Region.”
In its website profile on Arcadia, The Princeton Review describes the University as delivering an “education with a global perspective,” and having a “phenomenal study abroad program with ‘many pathways’ for international study and travel.” Academic excellence was a major factor in Arcadia’s inclusion.
“We chose Arcadia University and the other outstanding institutions on this list primarily for their excellent academics,” said Robert Franek, The Princeton Review’s senior VP-publisher.
The Princeton Review editors made their selections based on data collected from several hundred colleges in each region, as well as staff visits to schools over the years, the perspectives of college counselors and advisers, and a survey. The survey asks students to rate their colleges on several issues, including the accessibility of professors and the quality of academic facilities, and to answer questions about themselves, fellow students, and campus life. One student commented that Arcadia’s faculty and staff are “always willing to give a helping hand in any project brought to their attention.” Other comments described Arcadia’s student body as “independent, creative,” and “adventurous.” The profile’s survey also reports a “love of learning” in the Arcadia community.
Collectively, the 649 colleges on The Princeton Review’s “regional best” lists constitute about 25 percent of the nation’s 2,500 four-year colleges. The Princeton Review does not rank the 649 colleges, either overall, by region, or in various categories.
The Princeton Review’s Northeast region includes Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. Arcadia is one of only 225 schools in 11 Northeastern states named to the list.