Policy Title | Space Management and Allocation Policy |
Policy Category | Operational Policies |
Policy Approval Date | October 25, 2023 |
Policies Superseded | None |
Responsible Office | Finance and Administration |
Related Policies | None |
Frequency of Review | 5 Years |
Date of Revision | October 2028 |
I. Scope
All space associated with the buildings and land on the Arcadia University Glenside campus and off campus, including global properties, belongs to the University as a whole. This Space Assignment Policy (“Policy”) applies to all indoor and outdoor spaces, including leased off-campus space. See Section IV for the definition of capitalized terms within this Policy.
II. Policy Statement
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure all indoor and outdoor spaces, including global properties and off-campus leased spaces, are used efficiently and effectively to support the University’s mission, vision, and adaptive strategy in an equitable and productive manner.
III. Policy
All allocations of space are to be made through the recommendations of a presidentially-appointed space planning advisory committee. To that end, the President has established the University’s Space Planning Advisory Committee (“SPACe”), which shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President in assessing, guiding, and ensuring that all indoor and outdoor spaces, including global properties and off-campus leased spaces, are used efficiently and effectively to support the University’s mission, vision, and adaptive strategy in an equitable and productive manner.
All University-owned space associated with the buildings and land belongs to the University as a whole and is considered a finite and valuable resource. Therefore, the current occupants of a space neither own the space nor have sole control over its use. Proper utilization of this space is critical to achieving the University’s adaptive strategy and in responding to future needs. As a result, the assignment and reassignment of space is continually under review in relationship to both short-term and long-term University goals. This Policy outlines the process to be followed in requesting and assigning space.
A. Roles and Responsibilities
- Applicant: The Applicant is responsible for completing and submitting the Space Assignment Request Form on behalf of their Unit.
- President: The President shall appoint all members of the SPACe to serve a term of one year. The President shall review and decide upon, in consultation with the President’s Cabinet, all recommendations from the SPACe.
- SPACe: The SPACe shall review all requests for space assignments and makes recommendations to the President. In addition, the SPACe shall meet on a regular basis to develop transparent processes related to space allocation, consider the immediate and long-term space requirements of the University and propose solutions, and review and advise on the guidelines and recommendations of the Campus Master Plan.
- SPACe Membership: The SPACe membership shall include the following:
- Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (Co-Chair)
- Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer (Co-Chair)
- Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
- Vice President for Development and Alumni Engagement
- Vice President of Campus Life and Dean of Students
- Registrar
- Associate Provost and Dean of the School of Education
- Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Capital Planning
- Senior Director of the Arcadia Experience
- Student Government Organization Graduate and Undergraduate Designee as appointed by the President
- Faculty Senate Designee as appointed by the President
- Staff Council Designee as appointed by the President
Each year, the Faculty Senate and the Staff Council will each recommend one designee for appointment to serve on the SPACe.
- SPACe Staff Support
- Director of Facilities Operations
- Controller of the College of Global Studies
- Executive Assistant, Finance and Human Resources
- Director, Information Technology and Support Services
Additionally, the SPACe may, as appropriate, call upon students, alumni, faculty, staff, University Trustees or external professionals to provide topical support on an ad-hoc basis.
- Office of Facilities Management and Capital Planning
The Office of Facilities Management and Capital Planning (“Facilities Department”) shall maintain a database of space information pertaining to University physical assets, work with faculty, staff, and students to implement improvements to meet programmatic needs, and support the SPACe in reviewing space requests. The Facilities Department will assist all Applicants in defining programmatic needs and related space requirements, provide information to support space requests, and identify alternative plans to address space needs.
B. Review of Requests for Space
The following activities require review of a space request:
- Commitment of space as part of a contractual obligation (i.e., new hire, grant application) or a new programmatic initiative
- Requests for additional space
- Requests for space reassignments or change of function
- Requests for creation or reuse of vacant space
- Requests for leased space off-campus
- Temporary space assignment request
The process of assigning a newly hired employee to the same space as their immediate predecessor is not an activity requiring the review of a space request. Requests to convert office space to alternative uses must be submitted to the SPACe.
C. Evaluation Criteria
Space requests are reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:
- Overriding Principles
- Space assignments shall be consistent with the goals and objectives of the University’s Adaptive Strategy and Campus Master Plan.
- Any space under evaluation must be efficiently suited to its intended purpose, including its ability to meet accessibility, safety, design, construction, maintenance and cost benefit standards.
- Space is allocated to Units of the University, not to individuals. No space assignment is permanent.
- Buildings or spaces named to acknowledge a gift or to honor an individual organization are subject to agreements regarding utilization. No changes will be made to these spaces without coordinating with the President, the Office of Advancement, and the Office of General Counsel.
- Space assignments will strive to support the functional needs of all academic, administrative and student Units at the University.
- To the greatest extent possible, programmatically connected activities will be located in close proximity to each other.
- Shared, open concept, collaborative, and multi-purpose spaces are encouraged to support flexibility in usage.
- The ability of existing spaces to accommodate a request will be evaluated before a major renovation or construction project is considered.
- Priority will be given to space assignments with funding in place over those with pending or no funding.
- The utilization of existing space will be periodically reviewed to identify the need for reallocation or improvements.
- Space scheduling practices and other metrics may be used to assign spaces and help determine if a space is underutilized, it may be reassigned.
- High priority will be given to academic and student spaces on the Grey Towers Castle Campus, bound by South Easton Road and Church Road; the Royal Avenue Campus, fronted by Royal Avenue; and the Oak Summit Apartments on Easton Avenue.
- University owned properties near campus, including office buildings and residential homes on Limekiln Pike, Church Road, Easton Road, Bickley Avenue and Royal Avenue may be considered for administrative offices.
- A Unit’s record of efficient space utilization and space usage reporting (timeliness, completeness and accuracy) may be taken into consideration in reviewing new requests for space assignments.
- Units may not reserve vacant space in anticipation of future use or assignment without confirmation of commitment for program, faculty or grant relevant to use of designated space.
- Evaluation of Temporary Commitments of Space
- No temporary commitment of space shall be obligated without the submission of the following information for review:
- A brief written description
- A site plan or sketch showing the proposed project location
- Images or renderings sufficient to explain the proposed project’s visual appearance
- The amount and source of approved funding
- A plan for the eventual removal of the project
- A temporary commitment of space will be reviewed and approved based upon the extent to which it:
- Supports the academic and institutional mission
- Enhances the built environment
- Conforms to the Facilities and Capital Planning standards
- Adheres to all municipal and building codes
- No temporary commitment of space shall be obligated without the submission of the following information for review:
- Evaluation of Long Term Commitments of Space
- No new program, faculty, grant or other contract requiring a commitment of space shall be obligated without the submission of the following information for review:
- The deadline for finalizing the commitment
- The proposed activities and preferred location of the space
- The specialized characteristics of the space needed to support the proposed activities
- The length of time the space will be needed
- The timeline, cost and funding for preparing the preferred location for use
- Any other relevant data or contractual terms
- The review of space commitment requests will be fast-tracked to provide feedback prior to the identified deadline.
- No new program, faculty, grant or other contract requiring a commitment of space shall be obligated without the submission of the following information for review:
- Evaluation of Requests for Instructional Space
- The preservation of classrooms and other teaching facilities is given priority over all other uses of space. The reallocation of instructional spaces for other purposes is discouraged.
- Evaluation of Requests for Office and Office Service Space
- Adequate office space should be provided to allow employees to properly perform the duties of their position.
- In general, individuals will only be assigned one office.
- Supervisors will be located in close proximity to their staff.
- Emeritus faculty will be asked to relinquish office space to accommodate higher priority needs.
- Free address environments with flexible workspace are encouraged, especially for part-time and hybrid work arrangements.
- Evaluation of Request for Research and Related Support Space
- Space is allocated to support research activities, not individuals.
- Requests for the reassignment of research space shall be accompanied by a list of any existing furnishings or equipment to be displaced by the reassignment process.
- Upon approval of the dean or director, shared office space may be provided, at a lower priority, for an Emeritus faculty member actively engaged in research in keeping with the University’s and Unit’s strategic plans.
- Desk space is to be provided for students working in laboratories, outside the research lab wherever possible or where safety needs dictate. Desk areas should be aggregated when practical to accommodate variations in usage by individual labs.
- Evaluation of Request for Creation or Reuse of Vacant Space
- Space evacuated due to the elimination or reduction in size of a Unit, its programs or staff shall be returned to the University’s inventory of vacant space.
- A feasibility study will be performed by Facilities to assist the SPACe in determining the best possible uses of vacant space prior to assigning the space.
- The University may maintain a certain amount of vacant space to be used as “swing space” to provide quarters for Units temporarily displaced by construction projects.
- Allocation of Residential Space
- The dormitory room provided to a student shall be of sufficient size to accommodate a bed, desk, chair, dresser and a closet or wardrobe.
- Service and support spaces may include kitchen, laundry and vending areas.
E. Process for Submitting a Request for Space
- Planning for Space Needs
Applicants shall contact the Facilities Department to discuss a space assignment project at least one month prior to submission of a space request. Department staff will meet with the Applicant to discuss the Unit’s space needs and suggest possible options based upon available space. This discussion will include a review of the Facilities Department’s database of information on the Unit’s current space utilization and programming goals.
- Submission of Space Request
Space requests shall be submitted to the Facilities Department and the Information Technology Department using the contact information provided on the Space Assignment Request Form for distribution to the SPACe members. Personnel within these departments will work with the requesting Unit to validate scope and pricing. Incomplete submissions will be returned to the Applicant noting the missing information to be provided.
- Timeline for SPACe Review
The Applicant will be notified of the date and time of the meeting at which the request will be reviewed (typically the next regularly scheduled meeting). The SPACe reserves the right to ask for additional information from the Applicant and/or Facilities Department in order to evaluate a request and shall not act on a request until the additional information has been provided. Because the SPACe is a recommending body, all final decisions are to be made by the President. The SPACe will inform the Applicant of the anticipated timeline for a decision and will communicate any questions, concerns, or comments and the approved recommendation.
- Implementation of Approved Request
The schedule for implementing approved space requests depends upon the nature, complexity and cost of the request. Once a space request has been approved, if renovation work is required, the Applicant will need to fill out a Project Request Form found on the Facilities Department website requesting the desired work. The Project Request Form may be submitted simultaneously with the Space Assignment Request Form if necessary to expedite the process and initiate cost review.
IV. Definitions
Applicant: The individual submitting a space assignment request.
Long-term Space Assignment Request: A request for the reallocation of space as a result of academic program or staffing changes. See Section IV of this Policy for additional information.
Temporary Space Assignment Request: A request for altering the built environment (interior or exterior) at the University for a duration of one year or less. These projects include built structures, pavilions, tents, plantings, public art not included in a designated gallery space, and grant funded student projects.
Unit: Any entity operating with a designated level of authority within the governing structure of the University – i.e., a college, department, program, etc.
University: Arcadia University, its colleges, schools, affiliates, divisions, and subsidiaries.
V. Effective Date
This Policy is effective on the date that it is signed by the President.
VI. Signature, Title, and Date of Approval
Signed: /s/ Ajay Nair
Ajay Nair, President
Date: October 25, 2023