Financial well-being refers to how an individual’s personal resources influence other areas of their life. Achieving well-being in this area involves recognizing the opportunities, limitations, and responsibilities tied to one’s finances and actively planning for the future. Strong financial well-being signified a thorough understanding of one’s financial situation and the ability to adapt to changes effectively. It also includes respecting and understanding the financial circumstances of others while applying learned skills to promote financial awareness, literacy, and security.
How Do You Support Your Financial Wellness?
Questions to ask yourself about financial well-being
- Do I track my spending or keep to a budget each month?
- Do I “pay myself first” by setting money aside for savings whenever I get a paycheck?
- Do I read articles, watch videos, or talk to people I trust to boost my understanding of personal finance?
- Do I used a credit card responsibly and try to live within my means?
Resources for Our Community
For Faculty and Staff
Arcadia University encourages its faculty and staff to commit to a healthy lifestyle through financial, emotional, physical and social well-being programs. The University’s Health & Well-Being Program will provide the community with resources, guidance, activities and monthly programs that promote a healthy campus community.
For Students
“Common Sense” workshops
Learn more about financial well-being
Resources for financial tips to support your well-being!
Health Vending Machine
Stocked with low- or no-cost items for students, including pregnancy tests, menstrual products, condoms, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, cough drops, Tums, and a variety of other over-the-counter essentials. It also offers common medicine cabinet items like thermometers and first-aid kits.
Located next to the Hall of Fame Room in the Kuch center, adjacent to the Commons
Knight Resource Pantry
Available to all undergraduate and graduate students.