Arcadia’s Test Optional Policy
Arcadia University is one of over 1,900 universities and colleges nationwide with a standardized-test optional admissions policy. Exemptions include international applicants must submit SAT or ACT if not submitting a TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or iTep. Students interested in the 3+2 Forensic Science or 3+Doctor of Physical Therapy program are encouraged to submit scores, but they are not required.
What does “Test-Optional” mean?
Test optional means that standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT are not a required part of the application process. 87% of Arcadia’s admitted students were admitted without test scores. Test optional means that standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT are not a required part of the application process.
Does “test-optional” really mean tests are optional?
When should I submit test scores?
If you felt good about your scores and they accurately reflect your ability, you should re-submit them. If you feel like your scores aren’t a true representation of your ability, you shouldn’t submit them. You will indicate on your application if you plan to send scores.
What score is considered a “good” score and should be submitted?
There is no specific threshold for when scores should or shouldn’t be submitted. If you are proud of your scores, you should submit them. If you change your mind after submitting, your admissions counselor can help you add or remove your test scores from your application.
Are scores required for any applicants?
International students are required to submit either English language proficiency scores (such as Duolingo, TOEFL, IELTS or iTep) or standardized test scores (such as SAT or ACT).