Bookstore Moves to Lower Level of Dining Complex
Templeton Bookstore has moved from its old home in Kuch Center to its new home on the first floor of the Dining Complex. The bookstore is scheduled to open in this new location on Friday, June 4.
The relocation makes way for construction of the University Commons, and it puts the Bookstore in a high-traffic area that is accessible for students, adjacent to the mail room and The Chat.
How many boxes did the Bookstore staff, including Arcadia students, have to pack?
“It felt like thousands,” says Lucia Amado ’12. “They just kept stacking up.”
“We filled the yoga room,” says Meg Lavan, Manager of Arcadia University’s Templeton Bookstore, who notes that it took a week to pack up the 1,200 square-foot store, and it will take another week to unpack.
“The first day things seemed to go fast, and I thought it would take us two days to pack up,” says Ali Stefanik ’11, “and then it took a week.”
Lavan notes that the bookstore is “a work in progress.” Essential storage space was created by the addition of cabinets in the corridor outside the bookstore, adjacent to The Chat Performance Area.