International Affairs, Provost, Undergraduate Studies Have Moved
The Office of International Affairs was the first academic office to relocate over the summer, moving to redesigned space on the second floor of Easton Hall. Dean Warren Haffar and Associate Dean Jan Finn lead this office, which unites services formerly provided by the Office of International Services with internationalization that includes faculty programming and exchanges.
The Office of the Provost is now located on the second floor of Landman Library. Dr. Steve O. Michael, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, has used the opportunity to showcase faculty artwork in his office, with three pieces by Robert Mauro, Professor and Chair of the Department of Art and Design, now adorning the office. Provost Michael plans to showcase faculty works on walls in and around his office.
Undergraduate Studies has moved across the hall in Taylor Hall. Dr. Norah Shultz, Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Associate Vice President of Undergraduate Studies, can be found at Taylor Hall 112.