Phillips Receives Senior Golden Disc Award
Karen Rossi Brager ’91, President of the Arcadia University Alumni Association, presented this year’s the Senior Golden Disc Award to Daniel S. Phillips at the Undergraduate Commencement ceremony in May.
The Senior Golden Disc Award is presented to a member of the senior class, who in the opinion of classmates, faculty, administration, and the Alumni Association Awards and Honors Committee, exemplifies the highest standards of leadership in activities that enhance the quality of student life and promote the present and future welfare of the University. The recipient demonstrates a lasting commitment and dedication to Arcadia University and inspires the admiration of classmates.
At the ceremony Brager remarked, “Daniel Phillips embodies the Arcadia Promise. Over his four years he has become an engaged and global citizen, an advocate for students and community service initiatives, and a student who remained academically focused and shaped his own personal learning experience
to embrace all the opportunities that Arcadia promised him when he applied to study here.
“From the moment he arrived on campus, Daniel embraced campus life and made Arcadia his home. Over his four years, he has served as Resident and Senior Assistant, Arcadia University Ambassador and Leader, member of the Outreach program, Co-coordinator of the Day on Campus program, Junior Class Vice President, Treasurer and Co-Captain of Exalted Movements, Lacrosse Team player, SGO representative, member of the Director of Student Engagement Search Committee, and Senior Class President.
“As an Arcadia University Ambassador, Daniel exuded pride and a deep respect for campus life and for the faculty and staff members who taught and guided him. During campus tours, these attributes encouraged prospective students to consider making Arcadia their campus home. Behind the scenes, Dan helped to schedule student visits, conducted interviews for prospective ambassadors, volunteered at Open Houses, and coordinated The Day on Campus program. As Junior Class Vice President and Senior Class President, he collaborated with his class officer team to promote school spirit, raise funds, and plan activities to increase student pride and engagement.
“Daniel capitalized on the Arcadia Promise and integrated his passion for community service into his academic pursuits as a Biology major and Spanish minor. He traveled to Guatemala on a service learning trip where he worked side-by-side with physicians who were diagnosing families and treating various types of diseases. Not only did he integrate his pre-med studies into the clinical situation, but he also used his Spanish minor or act as translator between the families who came for treatment and the physicians who were making the diagnoses. Congratulations on behalf of the Alumni Association Daniel.”