Student and Young Alumni Leaders Gather in Dome for Reunion
By Michael Minetti, Assistant Director for Young Alumni and Students
On Feb. 18 students and alumni gathered for the first-ever Student and Young Alumni Leader Reunion. Alumni Relations invited current students and the past five graduated classes of RAs, CAs, OLs, Class Officers and others in leadership roles to come together for an afternoon of networking, relationship building and discussion.
More than 40 students and alumni spent time together in the Dome building connections, playing games, listening to music and having fun. As students and alumni paired off for a networking activity to discuss how they could work together to improve Arcadia, it was rewarding to see students and alumni engaging in conversation, laughing, and realizing how much they shared in common. By far, the highlight of the afternoon was the large group game of Community. It was hilarious to see students and alumni alike reaching for partners, rushing into large groups and throwing their arms around people they were too shy to speak with earlier in the day.
“Working on an event and an organization that bridges the gap between current students and alumni, asking them to come together to collectively improve their Arcadia community, has been a mini dream-come-true,” says Ali Stefanik ’11, who helped organize the event with Grace Wainwright ’10.
Anyone who is interested in working to develop ways for students and alumni to network, build relationships and have fun together is welcome to join Arcadia Leader’s League (ALL). Contact Michael Minetti of Alumni Relations at for more information or with any questions.