Arcadia Signs Agreement with Canvard College
Dr. Steve O. Michael, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, traveled to the the Tongzhou District of Beijing, China, on June 12 to visit Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University. There, he met with President Xuyang Yan and Director of the International Center Yuquing Pan to sign a Memorandom of Understanding.
Arcadia University and Canvard College agree to cooperate on the following:
- To promote interest in the teaching and research activities of the research activities of the respective institutions’
- To develop and deliver joint degree programs and other academic programs, such as certificate, short courses and seminars;
- To explore and promote other intellectual and academic activities and ventures of mutual interest to the two institutions; and
- To deepen the understanding of the economic, cultural and social issues and environment of the respective institutions.
Canvard College is one of the few independent colleges in Beijing. The state-of-the art campus is located on the sixth ring road adjacent to the Central Art District in a new flourishing part of the city. It offers undergraduate courses to develop innovation and entrepreneurship. Specific programs include international finance; international trade & business ; international insurance; marketing; business English; advertising; accounting; human resource management; public service management; statistics; foreign language and literature.
“Canvard College speaks to the need for private education—particularly the need to provide high-quality business education in Beijing,” says Janice Finn, Associate Dean for International Affairs, who visited the institution in April 2012. “I think it’s a great fit for Arcadia.”