Campus UKNIGHTS for Inaugural Day of Giving

On Dec. 1, nearly 700 Knights around the world joined together in support of Arcadia.
The inaugural UKNIGHT 1 Day of Giving, a campaign supporting graduate and undergraduate programs, scholarships, and study abroad, exceeded its goals, with 695 donors contributing $48,920 in a 24-hour period. Part of Giving Tuesday, a worldwide day of charitable giving formed in response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the Day of Giving campaign called for all members of the Arcadia community around the world to support The Fund For Arcadia in a 24-hour period on Dec. 1.
The UKNIGHT 1 Day of Giving focused on community participation, not dollars, with a goal of 500 donors of as little as $1. The number of donors was tracked live online. At milestones of 125, 250, 375, and 500 donors, an anonymous alumna made major contributions toward the Fund.
The Fund For Arcadia supports student scholarships, international education opportunities such as Preview and FYSAE programs, student clubs and activities, faculty and student research, and undergraduate and graduate academics. It provides a pool of resources ready to be used as needs arise and often makes much-needed scholarships or academic opportunities possible.
“I think it’s important to give back, no matter how big or how small,” said Assistant Dean for Engagement and New Student Programs Edward Kovacs, after making a contribution. “I believe in this place, and I believe in our students.”