GFS Trip to Florida is Cancelled

By Caitlin T. Burns | March 12, 2020
Due to the current situation with respect to the coronavirus pandemic, the University has decided to take steps to care for the wellbeing of our entire community and minimize possible exposure to the virus.  Therefore, the travel segment of BI355 will not proceed  over Spring Break.

Your travel fee will be credited to your account. If you have a positive balance, you should request a check from the Business Office. Cheryl Lewis (, International Program Manager at Arcadia, can help you with this process.

We are going to see if we can put together an optional trip for several days in May or June to the Pine Barrens of NJ. We understand that you may not be able or interested in going on the trip, but it would give you the opportunity to have a field experience in another fascinating and unique ecosystem with which most people are totally unfamiliar or know only as the place they drive through on the way to the shore. We expect that the cost of the trip would be low. This trip would require University approval, and it may not be possible depending on the state of the pandemic in May. In the event that this trip is not possible, we will need to adjust the workload associated with the course so that we have sufficient contact hours for a four credit course.

We will be working during Spring Break to develop materials that will give you the best possible course experience. We may need to revise some of the assignments, but we expect to keep the assignments that are listed on the syllabus in some form. We will also be working to determine the best way to meet the GCE/GCR requirement, but this requirement will be met. 

We anticipate meeting as a course via Zoom for our next class meeting. Zoom has been added to the class page on Canvas, so you can access it there as well.  We will send you an invitation to that class meeting. If you have not already done so, please download Zoom to your personal device. If you are having trouble, we are here to help you with the process.

President Nair’s email indicated that those of you who live far from campus will be accommodated in the residence halls beyond Sunday at 5 p.m. Students will be sent a form by close of business on March 12 that needs to be submitted to Residence Life. Again Cheryl Lewis can help you with this process.

Please email us with any questions or concerns. We are so sorry that this has happened.  Have a wonderful break and we will be contacting everyone later next week with more details concerning the class. 

Drs. Binckley and Bushar