The College of Global Studies Message, March 4
All students have been provided with information and advice related to the outbreak of coronavirus. Students participating in programs where cases have been reported locally have been sent information specific to their location.
Australia: There are 42 cases of coronavirus in Australia.
A case has been reported involving a Macquarie University faculty member who returned from travel in Iran. The faculty member did not visit campus since returning and is currently in isolation.
A University of Queensland student living away from campus has been confirmed to have COVID-19. The student had recently returned from travels and had not been campus. He is currently in isolation.
Greece: Four cases of coronavirus have been reported in Greece.
Ireland: There are four cases of coronavirus in Ireland.
Spain: There are 193 cases in Spain, including 28 in Barcelona. None have been confirmed in Granada.
New Zealand: There are three cases of coronavirus in New Zealand.
United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales): There are 85 cases overall.
A guest visiting a graduate student residence hall at Goldsmiths University in London has been diagnosed with COVID-19. The Goldsmiths student the guest was staying with has tested negative and is self-isolating as a precautionary measure.