Dr. Pederson Publishes Book on Leonardo da Vinci, Speaks on Australia Radio on Mona Lisa

By Daniel DiPrinzio | August 30, 2021
Dr. Jill Pederson


Dr. Jill Pederson, associate professor of Art History, this summer published “Leonardo, Bramante, and the Academia: Art and Friendship in Fifteenth-Century Milan” (2021, Harvey Miller/ Brepols), the first study to provide a comprehensive historical and theoretical account of the long-debated, Renaissance academy known as the Academia Leonardi Vinci. The publisher notes that “Pederson brings together literary sources to offer a new interpretation of the academy not as one singular entity, but as a collection of academic modalities in Renaissance Milan. Eventually these various modalities converged around their namesake Leonardo da Vinci.” The book is part of Brepols Publisher’s prestigious Renovatio Artium series devoted to scholarly art-historical monographs. 
Dr. Pederson, who specializes in Italian art of the late 14th through 16th centuries, was also interviewed live on Aug. 24 on the Australia Broadcasting Company’s early morning show to discuss the Mona Lisa. (Interview is at 3:36:20 mark.)