Criminology and Criminal Justice
Explore criminal behavior, criminal justice, and the justice system.
Gender and Sexuality Studies Major
Embark on an in-depth study of gender, sexuality, and women’s issues.
The opportunities I was given helped me realize my passion for social justice. Doing what I love is a huge relief, and I can thank the Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Department for that.
Bringing a range of perspectives, our faculty put gender, race, and sexuality at the forefront of social analysis and class discussions. We address global issues and questions of injustice through courses like Inside Out, through which students and inmates work together in a Philadelphia County prison. Students also engage in research and internships with organizations like the Pennsylvania Innocence Project, which works to free innocent prisoners and educate the public on wrongful convictions.
Each year during Social Justice Week, we examine issues like the school-to-prison pipeline, wrongful convictions and exonerations, hate crimes, and violence against women. We also examine current events, the world around us, and the history that shapes it. Faculty and students have organized and participated in forums examining Black Lives Matter, human trafficking, the events in Ferguson, Mo., the legacy of Trayvon Martin, and the contemporary resonance of the Holocaust.
Students are our learning partners. We’ll help you develop writing and critical thinking skills that lead to a range of career paths, and you’ll conduct research that aligns with your interests and graduate with the confidence to achieve your goals. In fact, 68% of students pursue graduate school within four years of graduation. Others work in a variety of fields, including social services, counseling, education, marketing, business, human resources, law and government, and criminal justice.