Foundational Experiences for First-Year Success
Your first year sets the stage for your academic path with engaging courses and activities. Here are a few things you have to look forward to:

If you’re a first-year student, you’ll take an interactive First-Year Seminar—designed to spark your curiosity and help you make campus connections—during your first semester.

As part of our Living Learning Communities, everyone on your residence hall floor will be enrolled in the same First-Year Seminar, allowing you to engage in special programming with a diverse group of classmates.
Preparing for Your Courses
You’ll take your First-Year Seminar, required English course, and two other classes during your first semester. Your academic questionnaire will help us plan your fall semester.
Course Offerings
You can browse course offerings in Self-Service. Log in using your Arcadia email and password, click the “Home” tab, select “Find Courses,” and click the semester period. Search courses by department, by the day and time the class is offered, and more.
Academic Advising
This site provides students and their academic advisors a centralized hub of useful information, resources, and tools.
Curriculum Requirements
When browsing courses that contribute to the Arcadia Undergraduate Curriculum, consider which topics interest you, might deepen your knowledge of issues related to your major, might expose you to ideas that you won’t encounter in your major, and will lay the foundation for you to move efficiently through your academic path.