Get Loan Books through Books2Go
Order print books for pick up at the circulation desk in the library!
Using our library catalog, patrons can place a request (Hold) for up to 10 items per week, and our staff will retrieve the items for you, and either place them in a bag with your name on it and keep it behind the circulation desk inside the library. You will receive an email when your items are ready for pickup and you’ll have the items loaned to you for six weeks. You will have three days to pick up your hold before it returned to the shelf.
This service also applies to print interlibrary loan requests, however print ILL remains subject to very limited availability as many other libraries remain closed or are only offering limited lending services.
(*Our catalog calls them Holds, not to be confused with academic or financial holds. In this case, it is more like placing a request to pick up a book.)
How to Place a Hold for Your Library Books
You’ll need to log into Koha, our library catalog, to place a Hold. Start by logging into your account with your Arcadia credentials, or just begin a search from the Search the Library Catalog box on the library’s home page and look for the login link at the top right of the search results page. You don’t need to log into your account to search the catalog, but you will have to do so to place holds.

When you find an item you want to check out, select Place hold from the sidebar at the right side of the screen.
Please note that some items do not circulate and may not be available for holds, such as board games, Archives materials, or print serials and periodicals.
We will retrieve the items for you, and either place them in a bag with your name on it in our vestibule for contactless pick-up if you are approved for campus access or mail them to you if not. Items that are not picked up after three days will be returned to the stacks. You will receive an email when your items are ready for pickup or have been prepared for mailing and you’ll have the items loaned to you for six weeks. If you are on campus you will have three business days to pick up your materials after which they will be returned to the shelves; if items are being mailed they will come with a return mailing label for your convenience.
You can cancel or suspend your holds through your account screen.
Suspending a hold defers it to a later date of your choosing, allowing it to be held by other patrons until then.
Returning Your Items
Please return your items in the book drop slot outside the front door of the library.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I place a hold on an item that is checked out?
Yes, your request will be placed in a queue, and you will be notified when the item is available. You can see when an item is due back at the library within an item’s record.
How many items can I place on hold?
There is no limit on the total number of items you may check out overall; however, you may only place up to 10 holds per week.
Can people see what items I checked out?
No, your books will be placed in a grey bag with only your name visible on a label on the outside. When you come to pick up your items make sure you grab all the bags with your name on it if you request multiple items.