About Registration
Please follow the registration procedures below and use Self-Service to complete your undergraduate course registrations.
Registration for Term/Year: | Priority Registration begins: | Priority Registration ends: | Registration opens/continues: | Registration ends: |
Spring 2026 | October 27, 2025 | November 7, 2025 | November 10, 2025 | January 26, 2026 (for session 01, with instructor permission) |
Summer 2025 | February 10, 2025 | May 23, 2025 (various dates depending on session) | ||
Fall 2025 | April 7, 2025 | April 18, 2025 | April 21, 2025 | September 8, 2025 (for session 01, with instructor permission) |
Priority Registration
Priority Registration for Fall 2025 runs from April 7 – April 18 and begins each business day at 8:30 am. Summer 2025 registration opened February 10, 2025. After April 18, fall registration continues until classes begin. Self Service registration is also open during weekends but is not monitored.
Students with holds (related to their account balance or health records) are permitted to register but must resolve these issues before classes begin. These holds are reflected in Self Service but can be ignored for the purpose of completing their upcoming class registration request. Please email registrar@arcadia.edu if you believe a hold is inappropriately preventing you from registering.
Most students register in accordance with the overall credits earned PRIOR TO the current semester. Some students are given additional prioritization, including students in the Honors Program, 3-Year and 3+ degree programs, studying abroad, who receive registration accommodations from Disability Support Services, and veterans or students receiving veteran education benefits can register the first day of priority registration. Student athletes are also given additional prioritization. These students register earlier than the day associated with actual completed total credits. Emails are sent to students with their specific date.
To find the Overall Credits used to assign your Priority Registration day:
- Please log into Self-Service
- Click the Grades tab
- Click the “Unofficial Transcript” link in the sub-tab
- Scroll to the bottom of your transcript
- Review the last line, “Overall Credits.” This is your current total.
Using overall credits, please find your earliest Priority Registration day below (beginning each day at 8:30 a.m.):
Date | Overall Credits | Date | Overall Credits |
Monday, April 7 | 110+ | Monday, April 14 | 27+ |
Tuesday, April 8 | 87+ | Tuesday, April 15 | 24+ |
Wednesday, April 9 | 69+ | Wednesday, April 16 | 16+ |
Thursday, April 10 | 57+ | Thursday, April 17 | 12+ |
Friday, April 11 | 39+ | Friday, April 18 | 0+ |
Registration Procedures
All current students register online through Self-Service.
- Make an appointment with your advisor to discuss appropriate course selection. To find your advisor, open the navigation menu at the top right of Self Service. Under “Account”, click “Profile”. Once you open your profile, you will see a box that shows your advisor and their contact information. During your advising appointment you should review all course prerequisites and university requirements.
- Build your “cart” with available courses. Identify courses and sections, and obtain advisor’s approval prior to registration. Utilize the Registration, Courses Arcadia toolbar in Self Service to find courses to add to your cart. Each class listing will begin with a course code (for example, BI101, EN100, PY111). The first two letters indicate the subject area (EN for English, BI for Biology, PY for Psychology, etc.). The three following numbers indicate the course level and help distinguish it from other courses in that subject. Next will be a description of the type of course – Lecture, Lab, etc. Following that descriptor will be a number that represents the course section. When demand for a certain class is high, we will offer multiple instances of that course called a section.
- Keep an eye on each course’s session within the term; courses in session 01 span the entire semester, courses in session 02 typically span only the first half of the semester, courses in session 03 typically span only the last half of the semester.
- On your assigned registration date, submit your registration via the Self Service portal. Your academic advisor will receive an email when you register so they can review your selections. Only courses approved by the advisor become part of the schedule. The advisor’s electronic approval or written email approval is required to complete registration, but online registration reserves a seat in requested classes until final approval or disapproval is determined. As the student, it’s important to remember that you are responsible for your course registration and degree completion! Students experiencing any difficulty may email registrar@arcadia.edu.
- Check your work! Students should review their schedule after Priority Registration to confirm that their request was completed. To view your schedule in Self Service: Log into Self Service
- Click the “Registration” tab and click “My Schedule”.
- Select the upcoming term from the Period drop down menu.
- Check off “Waitlisted Courses”.
- Make sure the List option is checked off on the right side.
- Click View.
Important Notes for Registration
- Drop/Add functionality is available in Self Service.
- The Waitlist function is not available in Self Service. If a course you want is full, complete the course registration for the other available courses. Then send an email to registrar@arcadia.edu and your advisor that lists the semester, course and sections of the course you wish to be on the waitlist for. You will be added to the waitlist pending your advisor’s email approval. The student will receive a confirmation email that they are added to the waitlist.
- Prerequisites and Corequisites are not being screened by Self Service. Students are responsible to check the catalog when building their schedule.
- Time conflicts are not being screened by Self Service. Please review your cart for conflicting start and stop times to avoid unintended overlap.
- Students are encouraged to identify alternative courses in the event one or more of the desired courses have reached maximum capacity.
- Full-time students for the Fall/Spring normally register for 15 or 16 credits; however, full-time enrollment is defined as 12 to 20 credits. Registration for 19 or 20 credits requires a cum GPA of 3.0 or higher or approval (by petition to the Office of Undergraduate Success for course overload). Note: Registration for more than 20 credits requires a petition approval regardless of GPA.
- Part-time students (carrying up to 11 credits if matriculated or limited to two courses, 6-8 credits if non-matriculated) also register based on overall credits. Tuition bills will be available from the Student Accounts Office (215-572-2981) through the eBill interface.
- Students who desire pass-fail grading for a Fall 2025 course should complete the Pass/Fail request form. The pass-fail option is not available to first-year students and is an option for elective courses only (one course per semester or one course for every 15 credits completed to a maximum of six courses). The instructor is not informed of this choice. Please review the academic calendar for specific deadlines.
- Please review the academic calendar for course changes and withdrawals for deadline dates.
- Course inactivity, non-attendance, or failure to make or complete payment does not constitute a course drop or withdrawal. Students remain financially responsible for a course registration unless the student notifies the Registrar’s Office in writing to drop or withdraw from the course. Fees are assessed according to the current refund policy. Neglecting to drop or withdraw officially will result in a failing grade on the transcript.
- Non-traditional course information:
- Students in 7-week classes may drop prior to the start of class. Once class begins, students may withdraw (not drop) and/or add classes during the first week of class. Withdrawal with a grade of W may occur as late as the fourth week of class, and after the fourth week withdrawal requires permission from the Dean of the College or School (by petition) and the student is graded WP or WF. Students may not withdraw after the course ends.
- Students in 1-week intensive classes and institute courses may only drop or add prior to the start of the course.
- Students with disabilities who require accommodations should contact Disability Support Services. Please note: Registration for students begin at the start of priority registration and continues until classes begin. Students assume all responsibility pertaining to course registration and degree completion.
Tuition/Credit Costs
- Students should verify tuition and fees by visiting the Financial Aid page reporting the current cost of attendance.
If you are unsure if you have a hold on your account, please log into SelfService to see if your account is on a hold (stop sign). Here are the appropriate contacts if you find your account is on a hold:
- If you are on an Office of Student Accounts or Official Transcript hold, please contact the Office of Student Accounts; busoffice@arcadia.edu, 215-517-2330 (Press 2)
- If you are on a Health Records hold, please contact Wellness Services; shs@arcadia.edu, 215-572-2966
- If you are on any other hold, please contact the Registrar’s Office; registrar@arcadia.edu
Self-Service technical “how-to” videos and instructional materials are available at: IT Helpdesk Knowledge Base