Engage Your Mind
You will develop intellectual practices—another way of saying “ways of thinking and doing.” These practices and skills cut across majors and minors, informaing how you see the world and how you interact with it.
Crossing Boundaries
Students examine issues related to interconnectedness, interdependence, and inequity within and among nation-states of the world. Crossing Boundaries-designated courses also explore issues of social justice, social welfare, and economic rights across national and social boundaries.
By emphasizing how expression enhances learning, understanding, and communication, students focus on the craft and process of written presentation through revisions based on critical commentary.
Modern Languages
Students complete the introductory level of a language other than English, which may require up to two courses depending on your prior experience.
Visual Literacy
Students focus on the viewing and interpretation of visual information and images from a variety of sources as well as the expression of meaning through visual means.
Quantitative Reasoning
Students develop the ability to ask and act on questions related to the analysis of data, the application of mathematical models, or the cultural and political roles of mathematical thinking.
Combating Anti-Black Racism
Students will explore basic terms, principles, and approaches connected to Anti-Black racism study. This will afford them the opportunity to apply this knowledge throughout the course as they consider the relationship between course content, the field of study, and anti-Black racism.