Arcadia University Admitted and Enrolling Student Expectations
Arcadia is committed to bringing together a student community that reflects the mission, vision, and lived values of our institution. Our holistic application review process allows us to offer admission to students that have demonstrated those values and are a welcomed addition to the continually growing Arcadia community. We expect all individuals applying and admitted to the University to complete any ongoing academic coursework at a level consistent with what that student achieved in order to earn admission, and to behave in accordance with high standards of honesty, integrity, and character. As such, Arcadia reserves the right to rescind admission for, but not limited to, the following reasons: falsification of application information; unsatisfactory completion of any school or coursework now in progress; and/or failure to uphold high standards of honesty, integrity, and character, including, but not limited to, disciplinary issues or engaging in conduct inconsistent with the expectations stated in our Code of Conduct. Moreover, we expect all members of the University community to be good citizens online. This means ensuring that you treat other members of the University community, and society in general, with respect in your online activities. This decision is never one that is taken lightly and is made after thorough review by the Office of Enrollment Management.
Disclosure Policy
A disciplinary matter or criminal conviction, occurring prior to the time of application (whether or not disclosed on the application), while the application is under review, or after the admission decision has been made, may affect decisions regarding admission, and Arcadia University reserves the right to revoke admission in such circumstances. Also, because offers of admission and enrollment are based upon a record of academic achievement, Arcadia reserves the right to revoke admission upon receipt of a final high school transcript (or most recent college transcript) reflecting a significant decline in academic performance. Additionally, if an application misrepresents any information, for any reason, admission or enrollment may be revoked at the University’s discretion. Finally, admission to the University does not guarantee placement in campus housing or participation in student teaching placements, internships, or clinical rotations, which may be subject to additional policies or practices.
Mandated Reporter Policy
Under the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law (23 Pa.C.S.6301 et seq), Enrollment Management staff, as school employees, are mandated reporters. As such, staff are required to make a report of suspected child abuse if they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse.
Equal Opportunity Policy
Arcadia University is committed to ensuring equal opportunity to all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, race, color, religion, creed, sex, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, gender identity or expression, military or military veteran status, disability, medical or genetic information, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by local, state, or federal law in its educational programs, activities, admissions, or employment practices as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other applicable statutes. Discriminatory conduct and harassment, including sexual harassment, violates the dignity of individuals, impedes the realization of the University’s educational mission, and will not be tolerated.
The Director of the Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR) and Title IX Coordinator oversees the University’s centralized review, investigation, and resolution of reports of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, and bias incidents. The Director of the OECR and Title IX Coordinator can be contacted by telephone or email:
For further information, including the University’s relevant policies and grievance procedures and processes, please visit Arcadia’s Office of Equity and Civil Rights.
Background Checks
Prospective students are advised that some internship placement/clinical sites require students to submit to fingerprinting and criminal background checks and receive appropriate clearances before they will be permitted to participate in internship programs at those institutions. Students who do not submit to fingerprinting and/or do not receive appropriate clearance may be unable to fulfill their academic requirements at Arcadia University, and therefore may not be able to complete their educational program. Unless otherwise paid for by the internship site, students will be required to bear the expense of such screening. Arcadia University does not pay for or reimburse for the expenses related to background checking or fingerprint clearance.
Veterans: Academic Progress
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations require that all persons using any type of veteran educational assistance programs make satisfactory academic progress toward achievement of their educational objective (degree plan) as defined in the Arcadia University catalog. A student who fails to meet the minimum standards will be placed on probation or disqualification. If satisfactory academic progress has not been demonstrated, veteran educational benefits will be terminated until such progress can be demonstrated. Benefits may be resumed when the veteran student raises his/her cumulative grade point average (GPA) to the required minimum standards or demonstrates the ability to meet these standards.
Veterans: Changes in Student Status
It is the veteran student’s responsibility to notify Arcadia University regarding any change in enrollment, address, degree plan, enrollment at another institution, or any other change that may impact his/her veteran educational benefits. Failure to report such changes can result in an overpayment requiring debt collection action from the VA.
Veterans: Credit for Prior Training/Training
Veteran students are required to request and have evaluated all prior college and university credit received prior to, during and after military service, including joint service transcripts. This is to ensure that the VA does not pay for coursework twice and that students receive the most from their benefits. Please also note–the University awards ACE recommended transfer credit whenever possible.
Grievance Procedures for Cases of Discrimination or Harassment
Members of the Arcadia University community who feel they have experienced discrimination, disciplinary action, or harassment based upon ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, race, color, religion, creed, sex/gender, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, age, gender identity, military or military veteran status, disability, family medical or genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic have rights to grievance procedures which should both address their complaints and see that misbehavior or errant practices are corrected.
Graduate Students: Deferred Admission
Students admitted to the doctoral programs in Education or Physical Therapy or master’s programs in Counseling, Creative Writing, Education, English, Forensic Science, International Peace and Conflict Resolution, Physician Assistant, and Public Health who want to defer their admission for one year must submit their request to do so in writing to the program director. Deferrals will be granted by each department on an individual basis. Once the deferral is granted, students must submit the required deposit to reserve their seat in the class. This deposit will be credited toward tuition. Students who are granted a deferral must understand that they will be subject to the prevailing tuition when they join the program. Scholarships or Assistantships that were awarded at the time of admission are not guaranteed if a student defers. If any conditions were assigned to the deferred admission, those conditions must be met in order to begin the program.
Graduate Students: Conditional Admission
In some instances, an applicant who does not fulfill admissions requirements, or who has undergraduate deficiencies in the area of specialization for the degree, may be admitted conditionally. In such cases, the admissions committees determine the conditions to be fulfilled before the applicant may be reconsidered for admission.
Conditional admission is not permitted in the following programs: doctoral degree in Physical Therapy; master’s Medical Science (Physician Assistant).
Graduate Students: Readmission
A student who has withdrawn from a program for personal reasons (that is, other than dismissal for academic or ethical/professional reasons) may be readmitted or may need to reapply. If the withdrawal was granted contingent upon some action(s) on the part of the student, the student will be required to demonstrate that the recommended steps have been taken. If more than one year has elapsed, the student must reapply by submitting a complete application to the Office of Enrollment Management. Please contact to inquire about readmission.
All Students: Ethical Recruitment
Arcadia does not participate in high pressure recruitment practices. We do contact any students that don’t allow their information to be shared with our admissions team and provide opt out option for all email solicitation.