Get a Head Start on Your College Career
You can prepare for college-level learning and jump start your education while you’re still in high school by taking a course during your junior and senior year. To apply to Arcadia’s Dual Enrollment Program, here’s what you’ll need:
- GPA of 3.0 or higher;
- Recommendation for academic readiness by your school counselor or principal;
- Signed approval from your parent(s)/legal guardians(s);
- Satisfactory performance on required university placement testing (English, Math, and Modern Language);
- Prerequisites for specific courses (if applicable).
How Dual Enrollment Can Benefit You
The Dual Enrollment Program allows you to receive both high school and college credit (from a Middle States-accredited institution); explore different fields of study while considering your college major; and demonstrate your ability to handle challenging coursework—something admissions counselors seek in candidates.
As a dual Enrollment student, you will have access to all campus facilities, including the library, gym and other campus amenities! You also have access to our amazing lineup of campus events. See guest speakers and so much more. You will receive an Arcadia University student ID, so all facilities and events that require an ID will be open for you to enjoy.
Join Us For An Orientation
Learn more about the Dual Enrollment Program during an orientation on campus. Orientations are held at the beginning of each semester. Sign up by emailing us at admiss@arcadia.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I take classes at my high school?
Arcadia partners with select high schools in Philadelphia, Montgomery County, and Chester County to offer onsite classes. A minimum of 10 students is required for an onsite course, which will be held within the University’s academic semester and meet all the requirements of a credit-bearing course. Dates may be modified according to the high school’s academic calendar; the University will set deadlines for enrolling, dropping, and withdrawing from onsite courses.
Can I take classes on campus?
Select courses are offered on our Glenside campus, providing the opportunity to have the same academic and social experiences as our undergraduate students. Students must follow the academic semester calendar established by the University, including dates for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from classes.
Will my credits transfer?
Courses offered through Dual Enrollment are typically required by most colleges as part of their general education curriculum. Credits should be eligible to transfer to other four-year colleges and universities, but Arcadia cannot guarantee transferability to other institutions. Students should consult with the institution of their choice.
Can my Dual Enrollment courses count for high school credit?
Talk to your school counselor to see if Arcadia's Dual Enrollment credits count for high school graduation.
Academic Advising
Arcadia believes that comprehensive, personalized advising is key to student success. We’ll guide you through registration and throughout the semester, helping you make academic and career decisions.
Tuition is significantly reduced, lowering the overall cost of post-secondary education. You’ll be charged the rate established in the program agreement with your high school. Fees associated with dropping or withdrawing from courses follow University policies. Payment is due at time of registration, unless the high school has made alternate arrangements with Arcadia.
Want to learn more?
Your high school counselor can provide information on Dual Enrollment alums. Just ask.