October 4 and 5! Register Now!

Join us for Alumni Homecoming and Family Weekend 2024!
Bring your family, friends, and fellow alumni to Arcadia for a weekend of festivities!
Friday, October 4
- Basketball Golf Outing: 1-7 pm (Invitation Only)
- Swim Alumni Meet, Lenox Pool, Kuch Center: 5-7:15 pm
- Salute to Excellence, The Commons, Great Room: 6-8 pm (Invitation Only)
- Snacks and Movie on Haber Green: 7 pm
Saturday October 5
- Athletic Hall of Fame Induction, The Commons, Great Room (Invitation Only): 10-12 pm
- Arcadiafest, Haber Green: 12 pm-5 pm
- Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Treats and Trivia Event, Lawn Outside of the Alumni House at Blankley Hall: 5-7 pm
- Softball Game 5:15 pm., first pitch 5:45 pm ($25, includes shirt and pizza)
- Bingo, The Commons, Great Room: 7 pm-9 pm