Spring-Summer 2016 News from Arcadia University Magazine
Celebrating Our 2016 Graduates
More than 1,000 students earned degrees at commencement ceremonies on May 19 and 20.
In the Spring/Summer 2016 Issue
Q&A with New Provost Dr. John Hoffman
I understand the Arcadia legacy and am committed to ensuring that future generations of Arcadia students are able to have the same types of experiences. - Dr. John Hoffman After a national search, Dr. John Hoffman w...
Alumni Mentors Help Students Form Career Goals and Connections
I cannot stress enough the importance of having a mentor. - Sara DiVello ’99 Professional insight, career exploration, and personal relationships: That’s what Arcadia students earn when they take advantage ...
More News+Notes
A Look Back
Celebrating 15 Years as Arcadia University
Beaver Female Seminary has evolved in many ways since its founding in 1853. Awarded collegiate status in 1872, the institution was renamed Beaver College, relocated to Jenkintown after more than 70 years in Beaver, Pa., and eventually settled at the Harrison Estate in Glenside.
One of the most significant changes was implemented 15 years ago, when the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania granted the institution university status. Renamed in July 2001, Arcadia University continues to uphold Beaver College’s long-established commitment to academic excellence, community engagement, and global learning.
Want to Submit Your Own Class Note?
Class Notes are a way to share what’s going on in your life with your Arcadia classmates. Use the online form to submit your news or contact the Alumni Office at 215-572-2160 or alumni@arcadia.edu.
Update Us About Your Address!
Please let us know when you’ve moved or changed email addresses, or check in and ensure that your contact information is current.
Contact Your Class Editor
We’ll put you in touch with your year’s Class Editor. Contact the Alumni Engagement Office listed below for your editor’s name and address.
Arcadia is published by the Offices of University Advancement and Marketing and Communications. The opinions and views expressed in the magazine do not necessarily express the official policies of Arcadia University.
Arcadia is mailed free of charge to Arcadia University alumni, trustees, friends, graduate students, and families of undergraduate students. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of published information.