Fall 2019 News from Arcadia University Magazine
In a modern play on Norman Rockwell award-winning cartoonist Jamar Nicholas paints a picture of a picture of an Arcadia Knight.
In the Fall 2019 Issue
From the President
View A Message From President Ajay Nair, Ph.D.
To the Arcadia University Community
Since their inception, colleges have stood as incubators of innovation. Arcadia University is no different.
Arcadia students, alumni, faculty, and staff around the world have incorporated innovation into their scholarship, professional lives, and community initiatives. While we always have an eye to the future and to progress, we know that our advancement will forever reflect the bold spirit of the first two graduates of our institution, the Class of 1856’s Sylvania Jones and Juliet A. Poundstone.
These two women left their homes in Lafayette County as teenagers to pursue an education at the newly formed Beaver Female Seminary. Their legacy lives on through alumni such as Meg Eubank ’05, ’07MEd, Dene Mitchell ’05, ’13MPH, Anita Feinberg ’74, and others featured in this issue who have incorporated a bold vision, responsibility, justice, and integrity into their professional pursuits.
The innovative spirit that winds its way through our community is seen daily through faculty scholarship and guidance; through the actions of our students; in the generosity of our donors; in the time and energy given by alumni who mentor Arcadia students; and in the community initiatives that improve our lives. I am proud to continue the legacy that all of our alumni have set forth, and I am grateful to do so alongside you.
Ajay Nair, Ph.D.
Taking the Reins
A cautiously raised hand and a sharp intake of breath—veneration (with a touch of trepidation) is often transparent as first-timers approach the equines at Sebastian Riding Associates (SRA). This particular horse, Moe, offers a ...
Finbarr O’Connor Prize
Nominations are being accepted for the O’Connor Prize, a $10,000 award presented to members of the Arcadia community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, and parents) who challenge conventional thinking, solve problems in their fields, or address issues in their local and/or global communities through discovery, critical analysis, logic, and creativity. The award will be presented at Honors Convocation.
News + Notes
- Class of 2019 Ready to Inspire
- Five Appointed to President’s Cabinet
- Office of Social Impact and Innovation Launched
- Dr. Oatis Named Professor Emerita
- Students Research Socio-Cultural Impact of Craft Beer
- Academic Affairs Supports Innovative Programming
- Online Education Program Launched
- Special Athletes Go for Gold
- Hemp Research Buds on Campus
Want to Submit Your Own Class Note?
Class Notes are a way to share what’s going on in your life with your Arcadia classmates. Use the online form to submit your news or contact the Alumni Office at 215-572-2160 or alumni@arcadia.edu.
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Please let us know when you’ve moved or changed email addresses, or check in and ensure that your contact information is current.
Contact Your Class Editor
We’ll put you in touch with your year’s Class Editor. Contact the Alumni Engagement Office listed below for your editor’s name and address.
Arcadia is published by the Offices of University Advancement and Marketing and Communications. The opinions and views expressed in the magazine do not necessarily express the official policies of Arcadia University.
Arcadia is mailed free of charge to Arcadia University alumni, trustees, friends, graduate students, and families of undergraduate students. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of published information.