Hello! My name is Lauren Young and my life is a tad bit extraordinary. From the ripe age of two I’ve been a rolling stone, living all across America in at least ten different homes that I can recall. I promised myself as a silly, small-town high school graduate that I would remain stationary for as long as I had a say in it throughout college.
Now, three years later I find myself enrolled at the University of South Carolina studying Advertising and English… in London, England. Yeah, so I might not have kept up with my promise or remained stationary but I have managed to keep up with my extraordinary life. I have found that I live to travel, meet new people, photograph anything/everything, and write (man, do I love to write).
As for now, I can’t guarantee London will be able to keep this rolling stone from rolling; But I can guarantee some hilarious mishaps, unintentional adventures, and photographs worth more than a thousand words. So now, I invite you to join me, myself, and I on our year adventure across the pond. Ta ta for now!