- Education
Central Michigan University
BSUniversity of Michigan
Cell and Developmental Biology
Dr. Swanson’s research interests bridge the fields of cell and developmental biology. Her overall research goals are to understand how organisms regulate gene expression, cell proliferation, and tissue growth during development. These processes are important for normal development, but can also provide insight into human diseases where these mechanisms have gone awry, including cancer. Her most recent research has focused on a gene called dacapo that is required to inhibit cell proliferation and limit tissue growth during development. Dr. Swanson’s research examines the mechanisms that regulate dacapo expression and thus regulate cellular proliferation and differentiation throughout development.
As a SPIRE scholar at the University of North Carolina, Dr. Swanson received training in STEM education and effective teaching strategies. Her goal as an educator is to get students to engage with course material in every class meeting to promote understanding and encourage enthusiasm for science.
Professional Experience
SPIRE Postdoctoral Scholar
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina