Jonathan T. Church
Department Chair & Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
- (215) 572-4017
- churchj@arcadia.edu
- Education
Temple University
Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology
- Curriculum Vitae
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Church, J.T.& Klein, M. (2013). Assassin’s Creed III and the Aesthetics of Disappointment. Proceedings of the DiGRA 2013 Conference: Defragging Game Studies.
Church, J.T. (2009) Quality Matters: Making Commodities and Manufacturing Knowledge in the Virtual University. ELiSS: Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences. 1:3. Paper and podcast version available https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.11120/elss.2009.01030003http://www.eliss.org.uk/PreviousEditions/Volume1Issue3/Papers/tabid/242/Default.aspx . Last accessed 29 September 2009.
Church, J. T. (2009). Editorial Response. ELiSS: Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences. 1:3. http://www.eliss.org.uk/PreviousEditions/Volume1Issue3/Editorial/tabid/241/Default.aspx. Last accessed 29 September 2009.
Church, J. T. (2008). Managing Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Instructional Design and the Manufacturing of Higher Education. In Joyce Canaan and Wesley Shumar (eds.) Structure and Agency in the Neoliberal University. New York: Routledge.
Church, J. T. (2005). Review of Brian Smith’s Toons and Tenants: Settlement and Society in Shetland 1299-1899 in Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe.
Church, J.T. & Shumar, W. (2003). Above and Below: Mapping Social Positions Within the Academy. In Cogs in the Factory Classroom, Deborah Herman and Julie Schmid (eds). Greenwood Press
Madison-Thompson, N. & Church, J.T. (2003). Are You a Real Female?: Gender and Authenticity in Asheron’s Call. In Race/Gender/Media: Considering Diversity Across Audiences, Content, and Producers, Rebecca Ann Lind (ed). Allyn & Bacon.
Church, J.T. (2002). “Remarks: Should all Disciplines be Subject to the Common Rule?” Academe. May-June, 63-64.
Church, J.T. & Peters N.D., (2001). The Sociology of Aids and HIV in The Sociology of AIDS: Lectures and Materials, American Sociological Association. Second Edition.
Church, J.T. (2000). Reimaging Professional Identities: A Reflection on Collaboration and Techno-Pedagogy.
Church, J.T. (1999). Laboring in the Dream Factory: Part II. The International Journal of Qualitative Research in Education. 12:3:251-262.
Church, J.T., (1998) “An Adjunct Becomes Real.” The Chronicle of Higher Education. July 17: A68. (1999) Reprinted in Academic Tenure – Are Reforms Needed: Presentation to the Blue Ribbon Commission on Higher Education Commonwealth of Virginia by Sidney O. Dewberry.
Church, J.T. (1990). Confabulations of Community: The Hamefarins and Political Discourse on Shetland. Anthropological Quarterly. 63:1:31-42.
Professional Experience
Faculty Inductee, Phi Kappa Phi. March 2005.
Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award, Beaver College. March 1998.
Recipient of the Bernard C. Watson Award for the Outstanding Dissertation in the Social Sciences and Education, Temple University. 1990.
Program Reviewer, AOIR (Association of Internet Researchers), 2011 & 2013
Parliamentarian, American Anthropological Association Annual Business Meeting. 2009-2011, 2013
Program Committee Member, Society for the Anthropology of Europe. 2009.
Ethnographic Researcher, “Talking Toward Techno-Pedagogy: A Collaboration Across College and Constituencies,” supported by a grant form the Mellon Foundation. May 2000-May 2002.
Research Fellow, Drexel University. September 2000-present.
Arcadia University Faculty Development Fund Grant for Ethnographic Research on the Shetland Islands. 2006.
Arcadia University Faculty Development Fund Grant for Ethnographic Research on the Shetland Islands. 2004.
Beaver College Faculty Development Fund Grant, for Ethnographic Research on Acheron’s Call , an Online Computer Gaming Community. 1999
Beaver College Faculty Development Fund Grant for Ethnographic Research on the Shetland Islands. 1995.
Temple University Dean's Dissertation Writing Grant. 1986.
Shetland Islands Council Research Grant. 1985-1986.
Fulbright Scholar, Full Grant for Ethnographic Research. 1984-1985.
Postgraduate Worker, Appointed by the Faculty, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh. 1984-1985.
Temple University Graduate School Fieldwork Fellowship. 1984.