- Areas Of Focus
Kate Brennan is an artist, educator and creator. She has written a dozen plays and musicals and has taught across the country. She was named a 2023 Jonathan Larson Grant Finalist. Her methodology, Brennan Check-In, cultivates more present, collaborative and self-sufficient artists who are agents of their own well-being. Works include Brennan & White collaborations ALiEN8, Clean Slate, and Illuminate as well as her other musicals Lost Boys, ELFuego & Some Assembly Required. Awards: The Infinity Trilogy (Map Fund Grant Recipient), The Self-Destruction of Emma James (O’Neill semifinalist) What’s in Store (B-Street New Comedy Festival Finalist, O’Neill Semifinalist, Princess Grace Finalist), #notacult or Camp Hope (Judith Royer & Jane Chambers Finalist), The Marginals (Lanford Wilson Finalist) and Lost Boys (O’Neill Semifinalist). Publications: ALiEN8 (YouthPLAYS), elevated thoughts, (Literati Press), McSweeney’s, Dramatist, Howlround, The Offing, and New York Times. She was a finalist for the 2023 Cultural Alliance Artist Innovator Award. Member: Dramatist Guild, AEA, Women’s Playwrights Circle at Speranza. Kate is a Designated Linklater Teacher and holds an MFA from UVA. She writes More Humor More Humanity. www.katebrennan.org