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Interlibrary Loan @ Arcadia
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a lending service offered through Landman Library to provide members of Arcadia’s community with the opportunity to request and borrow materials not available through our campus’ collection. Books and other printed materials, full-text journal articles, and media not owned by Landman Library or found in a subscribed online resource may be requested through this service. ILL services operate during normal business hours Monday-Friday except for holidays and scheduled breaks during the academic year. We are unable to process or fulfill ILL requests during weekends, holidays, or scheduled University breaks.
Interlibrary Loan services are only available to current Arcadia students and employees with valid arcadia.edu login credentials.
Interlibrary loan turnaround times vary depending on the type and availability of the requested materials. Some articles may arrive as soon as the next few business days, others may take longer; allow a minimum of a full week for books. Please allow extra time for your ILL requests.
ILL services will operate at reduced capacity during Spring Break (March 8-16 2025). Please allow for slower processing times.
Accessing ILL Services
Book requests through EZBorrow
Print books may be requested directly through EZBorrow, a service that draws from over 50 regional academic library collections and provides longer loan periods. Not all materials are available through EZBorrow, but it is our service of choice for monographs. EZBorrow does not fill request for electronic materials, articles, or books chapters; use Tipasa for those materials.
If you place an EZBorrow request that goes unfilled, out staff will move it over to our other ILL system and process it for you.
If you are unable to locate your book through EZBorrow, use our other ILL system, Tipasa.
Tipasa: articles, book chapters, and everything else
NOTE: Tipasa will be offline for maintenance from midnight-7am Friday Feb.14
To log into Tipasa use your Arcadia credentials. From the patron portal, users will be able to place direct ILL requests, view the status of active requests, view due dates and overdue information, and place renewals when available.
To start an ILL request in Tipasa, first select the Create Request button. (NOTE: the search bar at the top searches some but not all Arcadia holdings as well as non-Arcadia resources; it may not be helpful for placing ILL requests.)
We send automated notices to patrons about delivery of materials, due dates and overdues, and other communication regarding your requests.
We are currently unable to borrow whole ebooks through ILL due to technical and legal restrictions. For ebook borrowing try searching our catalog.
We strongly recommend using either the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser with Tipasa; there are known compatibility issues with Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari.
Placing Requests
There are two ways to place an ILL request with Tipasa: directly through your Tipasa patron portal or via a link out from an online resource (where available)
Direct requests
Depending on the material, a patron can fill out one of three forms: book, article, and other. Each form requires specific information regarding not only the patron but the item being requested. Please provide as much information in the request as possible as it will give us the best opportunity to find the appropriate materials.
Via Online Resources (where available)
Providers such as EBSCO, ProQuest, Ovid, and Sage allow auto-populating of the Tipasa request form. Look for a “Request via ILL @ Arcadia” link or similar when viewing an article citation in one of these resources.
PLEASE NOTE: Because ILL requests are tied to each individual patrons’ Arcadia account it is important that requests NEVER be submitted for another patron through your personal account.
Different Versions of Articles
When we sent out your request for a journal article, we ask our lending partners to send only the final* published version of that article (the “Version of Record”). Journal articles often appear in pre-publication forms such as pre-prints or uncorrected proofs, and these are often different than the typeset, proofread, published version. You will also see articles published as an “epub ahead of print” for digital editions of journals – these are also versions of record.
(* some articles may have corrections or updates published after the version of record is published; those changes are most often later included in digital versions of those articles.)
Articles may also be published as freely available Open Access (OA) articles in both e-journals and in institutional repositories, although there is no universal standard for which version will be published as OA. If we locate a suitable version of an OA article, we will email you a link to it instead of sending your request to lending libraries. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about article versions.
Collecting and Receiving ILL Materials
When physical copies of requested materials arrive and have been processed, the patron will receive a notification informing them that the ILL request is ready to pick up. Physical materials can be retrieved at the Circulation Desk in Landman Library by presenting a photo ID (ex. Your Arcadia ID).
Electronic copies of full-text articles will be sent through your Tipasa patron portal where they can be accessed and downloaded. Once articles have been received, they may be accessed a total of five times within 30 days before the link expires.
Requests for materials already owned by the library will not be filled; instead we will send you a notice of how to locate it. If you are having issues accessing our physical or subscribed online resources, please contact a librarian for assistance.
Overdue or Lost ILL Materials
Requesters are responsible for paying any replacement fees that accumulate from overdue or lost materials. Once an invoice has been issued by a lending library, the patron has three days to return the material before the fees are charged to their Arcadia account.
The Interlibrary Loan staff works hard to keep requests moving at a steady pace. However, it is important to know that ILL also requires the cooperation of the lending libraries as well. We ask for your patience in the process and if you do not receive any communication regarding the requested materials within two weeks, please contact the ILL department at ill_mailbox@arcadia.edu.