Take the First Step
… to build the world in which you want to live through civic action and voting! Throughout history, many have fought for the power to vote because they recognized the importance of their own voice. Voting is not only our right – it is our power.
“So long as I do not firmly and irrevocably possess the right to vote, I do not possess myself.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Register, Learn, Vote, and Mobilize
Register to Vote
Want to register to vote!? Great! Start by clicking here! You will be asked to enter your contact information and address so that you can be directed to the state website or process in which you can officially register.
- You may use your campus or home address to register. It’s your choice:
- You may register and vote using the address where you live while attending Arcadia, using either an on-campus or off-campus address, or
- You may register using your prior home address, provided your family or guardian still reside there.
- You can only be registered in one place at a time.
- Paper forms are available at the Civic & Global House, across Easton Road from Oak Summit
- On National Voter Registration Day in September, Arcadia Votes volunteers will be on hand in The Chat to assist and answer questions.
Check Your Registration Status
Not sure if you are registered to vote or where you are registered to vote? Check your status in PA or in any state.
Learn What's on Your Ballot
Ballotpedia is a great first stop to learn who and what will be on your ballot in advance. After entering your address, select the relevant election date to see all the information they have about what choices you'll have on your ballot. In some instances, local election information may not be included.
Check Out Overviews on Where the Candidates Stand
Vote 411, Know Your Vote, and the Campus Election Engagement Project are a few of the national organizations providing nonpartisan information about where candidates stand on issues. These guides are often incomplete until Election Day approaches.
Learn More About Candidates’ Policy Positions
- Visit individual candidates’ webpages and social media.
- Check to see if organizations aligned with your interests endorse any candidates.
- Check to see if organizations that don’t share your values endorse any candidates.
Make a plan and VOTE!
Once you have registered and researched your balllot and candidates, decide if you are voting in person (and if so, at what polling location) or by mail (and when you will request and send your mail-in-ballot). Voters who have planned in advance are more likely to ensure their voices are heard, avoid last-minute complications, and contribute to a smoother election process for themselves and their communities.
In Person Voting
- Voters in any state can find their polling location by clicking this link.
- Decide what time of day you'll head to the polls and mark it in your calendar. Plan how you’ll get there and who you’ll bring along.
- Civic & Global Engagement may also be hosting shuttles to our local polling place, so email us if you are interested!
Mail-In Voting (From Here or Abroad)
- Pennsylvania offers no-excuse-necessary mail-in ballots, and if you would like to request one, you should do so at this link as soon as possible.
- When you receive your mail-in ballot, you should plan to fill it out and mail it back by the very next day, or as soon as possible, or hand deliver it to your county election office.
- Some states require an excuse to use an absentee ballot. Studying abroad is a qualifying excuse. In some states, being a college student is a qualifying excuse. Vote.org has information about absentee ballot rules by state.
- Request your overseas absentee ballot here.You can find FAQs like tracking your ballot along with resources like virtual “I Voted” badges here.
Early Voting
- Early voting is not available in Pennsylvania. Many states do offer early voting and you can learn more from VoteEarlyDay.org by clicking here.
- If you choose to vote by mail-in ballot, it is sort of like early voting because government officials and nonprofit leaders are encouraging voters to fill their ballots out and mail them back by the very next day, or as soon as possible, or hand deliver them to their county election office.
Join Arcadia Votes
- We are always actively recruiting members to help get out the vote and offer opportunities for dialogue on campus and we hope you'll join us! Please let us know you're interested by filling out this form.
- The activities we take up at any given time depend on the interests of the group. They could include:
- Creating and disseminating information about how to register to vote
- Developing a network of Arcadia Votes champions among staff and faculty — people committed to having voter registration materials and FAQs at the ready in their offices
- Offering teach-ins and debates related to issues of interest and contentious topics in the news
- Advocating for voter-friendly policies
- Creating content for social media about the power of voting
- Building a community of people willing to have difficult conversations about issues that matter
Join a Campaign
- Although Arcadia Votes is a nonpartisan organization, we know working on a campaign or for a political party can be a rewarding way to participate in our democracy and a valuable professional development opportunity. We encourage anyone who is interested in working for particular candidates or parties to look to those candidates' official websites for volunteer or job opportunities.
- As an example of a volunteer position, many campaigns are relying more heavily on phone banking than they have in the past. There is often a brief training for phone bankers, and always a script. Making 45 calls for a phone bank takes about an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Hint: You may be given more responsibility if you were to work for local candidates or local branches of a party than you would if you were to volunteer for a state- or national-level candidate.
Show Your Voting Pride
- When you participate in voting, snap a picture, post it and use #ArcadiaVotes
- When you register, when you request your mail-in ballot or absentee ballot, when you vote, when you mail your ballot, etc
- Follow us on Instagram @arcadiabeyondcampus for more voting information and events!
Arcadia Students Rock the 2020 Vote at a Higher Rate Than Counterparts
Student Voting Rates for Arcadia University
The 2020 NSLVE Campus Report presents data on student voter participation rates for nearly 1,200 colleges and university, including Arcadia University.