Be a Mentor
Next Steps Mentors support students’ first-year experience through community service, mentorship, supportive workshops, and leadership development.
- In addition to mentoring first-year students, mentors choose from a variety of community-based placements (e.g., Glenside Elementary, Jenkintown Food Cupboard).
- Participants receive $12 per hour through Federal Work-Study for their community-based hours as they go along.
- Upon completion of 300 hours, participants also earn an Education Award of $1,565.08
- Arcadia students can enroll each year until graduation.
- Pell-eligible students are given preference, but all students may apply.

“By being a Next Steps Mentor, I hope to help first year students get over challenges they may feel alone in, because I know that feels since I was once there. I want to be there for students who may not fully understand college and need guidance on how to navigate it.
My service site is located at the West Oak Lane Philadelphia Library. I work there once a week and have an amazing connection with the kids. It feel as if I have worked there forever! I am learning how to guide a room of children’s attention and practicing my communication skills. Plus, I get to be a supportive role model for younger generations.” – Gianna P.
Be a Mentee
By signing up to be a mentee, first-year students can:
- Have a peer who has been through similar experiences and can guide you through any obstacles you face in your first year
- Gain a better understanding of your resources on and off campus
- Build skills like time management, study habits, communication
- Be a part of a larger community: meet other first year students as well as mentors
“I chose to be a mentee so that I could prepare myself even better for what the transition from high school to college would be like as a first gen student. I able to rely on my mentor for anything I was curious about or needed extra support on. It was fun having meetings where we would check up on each other and get to know each and the campus better. I gained new found ways of doing things for classes like time management and organization when it comes to taking notes but I also gained a cool friend who was happy to explain things about what resources were on campus and were available to me.” – Kiara R.
Be a Part of the AmeriCorps Network
AmeriCorps is an amazing network to be a part of because you will have access to:
- Orientation on expectations and how to be a great mentor
- Personal and professional development opportunities managed by Team Leader on topics like goal setting, social justice, study abroad, resume writing, and networking
- Special invitations to: special events and workshops, grants, future careers within AmeriCorps
“Each year, AmeriCorps hosts a Next Steps Kick Off event at various campuses in which they operate (like here at Arcadia University, Temple University, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, and La Salle University). The day is filled with community building and training. We get to connect with one another and mentors from other universities and learn methods for things like effective mentorship, active listening, and communication skills. It is always a fun day!” – Amy Cruz, Next Steps Leader