Counseling Awards
Counseling Program Achievements
- Outstanding Counseling Program Award, Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 2013
- Innovation Grants, Arcadia University 2019-20
Faculty Achievements
Dr. Lauren Reid, Program Director and Associate Professor
- Outstanding Teacher Award of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 2022
- Innovation Implementation Grant, Arcadia University, 2020
- CMCTP Travel Scholarship, Council for Counseling Psychology Training Programs, 2016
- Minority Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association, 2014
- Outstanding Student Award, University of Miami, Counseling Psychology Program, 2013
- Dissertation Fellowship Honorable Mention, Ford Foundation, 2012
Dr. Michael Morrow, Professor
- Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12) Mid-Career Institute Awardee, 2024
- Inducted as a Lifetime Member of the Philadelphia Behavior Therapy Association, 2022
- Research/Publication Award of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 2019
- The Lindback Distinguished Teaching Awarding, 2016
- Honorable Mention for Pediatric Psychology Diversity Grant, 2011
- Spencer Foundation Research Grant for Improvement in Education, 2008
- E. M. Koppitz Dissertation Award Semi-Finalist, 2007
- Forest and Honaker Scholarship for Psychology Research, 2006
Dr. Hsin-Hua Cathy Lee, Associate Professor
- Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award, 2020
- Benevolent Research Award, 2011
- Initiatives for Women Award, 2010
- Carson Carr Diversity Scholarship, 2009
Lauren Cain-Baxter, Associate Director of Counseling and Adjunct Faculty
- Pennsylvania Counseling Association Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2016)
- PSI CHI International Honor Society in Psychology, 2016
Student Achievements
Montgomery County Counseling Association Graduate Student Award
- Stephanie Leather '19
- Marissa Adamczyk '19
- Roxane Henning ’94, ‘17M, 2017
- Stacey Herreid-Halstead '16M
- Emily Cox, '15M
- Jessica Cuttic '13M
- Cassandra Allen '12M
- Toby Ayash '15M, 2008
- Angela DiCarne Sacks '03, '07M, 2007
- Monica Williams '05M
Pennsylvania Counseling Association Outstanding Graduate Student Award
- Stephanie Leather '20
- Marissa Sharp ‘19M, 2018
- Lauren Cain-Baxter, 2016
- Lisa Brutko ‘16M, 2015
- Crystal Winfield '13M, 2012
Pennsylvania Counseling Association Graduate Student Leadership Initiative
- Cristen Fitzgerald '10M, 2009
- Jennifer Brittingham '04, '08M, 2007
Presented posters at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association
- Angela Abraham '20
- Stephanie Leather '20
Pennsylvania Association for Counselor Education and Supervision ACA Conference Student Scholarship
- Kristen Hawk '12M, 2011
Pennsylvania Psychological Association of Graduate Students Community Service Project Award
- Lisa Brutko, ‘16M, 2014
- Brooke Garwood, ‘15M, 2014
- Christina Schneider, ‘15M, 2014
- Faculty Supervisor – Dr. Michael Morrow
Arcadia University Honors Convocation Commencement Speaker
- Raymond S. Lewis, III, '18M
- Rebecca Cate, ‘14M
Arcadia University Richard A. Polis Award
- Jiana Saigh '22
- Michelle Del Buono, ‘16M
Arcadia University Molly Haas Valentine Award
- Efrain Nunez '25
- Lawrence Fleming ‘17M
- Jessi Trump, ‘14M
Samuel M. Cameron Graduate Award for Excellence in Counseling Psychology
- Tazariah Johnson '25
- Colby Ball ‘24
- Joy Slabaugh ‘23
- Taylor Curtis ‘22
- Cassandra Jimmink ‘21
- Anje McLish '20
- Miranda Brindza '19
Ellington Beavers Award
- Robert Pina '21
Phi Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda Honor Society
- Lorren Ruscetta '21
- Robert Pina '21
- Samantha Edwards '21
- Sarah Parcell '20
Alum Achievements
Young Alumni Golden Disc Award for Distinguished Achievement, 2019
- Jessica Cuttic, MA '13, Adjunct Professor
Gillem-Bartoli Alum Award for Contributions to Social Justice
- Naima Johnson '25
- Samantha Urbanick ‘24
- Alexandra Mamolou ‘23
- Nathan Morrissey ‘22
- Christian Dozier ‘21
- Jennifer Wiggins and Kathy Christensen, 2020
- Kristin Bertsch and Radhika Sehgal, 2019
Kristen Hawk, MA '12, Adjunct Professor
- David W. Hall Advocacy Award for her work as co-chair of the Government Relations Committee of Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 2017