The Master of Arts in Counseling Program provides a listing of documents and outcomes for the program. To view, click on the arrow links below.
Program Documents
Program Outcomes
View More from Christian Dozier
I was drawn to Arcadia's Counseling program because of the curriculum, faculty, class size and support. The program had elements of multiculturalism, practicality, and an array of learning topics. The faculty appeared to be invested in the success of their future scholars and had an open door policy that was utilized. Dr. Gillem, Dr. Bartoli, and Dr. Morrow all impacted my experience at Arcadia. They are very brilliant and shared their knowledge in such a gracious fashion. Their perspectives allowed me to broaden my way of thinking and helped me reach further to succeed more than what I initially imagined. They all pushed me past my comfort zone in various ways. They challenged me and therefore made me a better version of myself.
My most memorable experience in the program was the role plays. Having the hands-on learning experience made me feel better prepared to join the workforce.
Arcadia's program is superior to most: this is the comment I received from my practicum and internship supervisors. The skills I learned made me stand out as a counselor as seen in group supervisions and requested consultations by my supervisor.