Dr. Warren Haffar with IPCR students in Cyprus.
About the Master of Arts in International Peace and Conflict Resolution Program
Students in the graduate program in International Peace and Conflict Resolution pursue a Master’s degree that consists of four terms of intensive academic training at our Glenside campus including an internship and thesis capstone.
Internships are directly related to the academic and professional interests of the student. Internships allow students to develop critical professional skills and contacts and enable students to successfully transition to the professional world upon graduation. Internships may be pursued overseas or nationally during the final year in the program.
In the final year, students also complete a thesis capstone project that brings together their academic interests, internship and professional development goals.
Program Details
The IPCR program is structured to develop competencies in:
- Theories and dynamics of conflict, conflict resolution, post-conflict reconstruction and development, international law and organizations;
- Tools and techniques of conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation;
- Conflict analysis, which involves developing an understanding of how states and other third parties impact conflict;
- The methods used to diffuse conflict on a variety of levels—interpersonal, groups and institutions. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the field of peace and conflict resolution;
- Critical thinking skills and research methods, which span the spectrum of qualitative and quantitative methods;
- Cultural sensitivity and inter-cultural understandings through international and field experiences;
- Oral presentation and communication skills;
In the first term of study, students complete required courses in Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution and an International Field Study to Cyprus, and choose two electives.
In the second term, students take four courses (2 required and 2 elective). Students also begin researching and applying for internship opportunities that will further their academic and career interests. The IPCR Associate Director and IPCR Director help guide students in this process to maximize options.
The final year is focused around the internship, thesis capstone project and course, as well as professional development activities intended to aid students in career placement.
Academic Policies and Procedures
A student accepted into the International Peace and Conflict Resolution program is expected to abide by the regulations set forth by Arcadia University.
The University reserves the right to dismiss a student at any time for unsatisfactory academic performance or for conduct detrimental to the University or to the welfare of other students.
In order for students to remain in good academic standing, they must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 throughout the first year of the program. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required to be eligible to participate in the second year of the program. A grade below “C” may not be applied toward a degree. If a grade below “C” is received, the student must petition to retake the course.
Requirements (minimum 42 credits)
Full-time IPCR students are required to take two required courses and two elective courses each semester.
Required Courses
First Term (2 required plus 2 elective)
- IP 501 Introduction to Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 3 Credits
- IP 508 A Case in Conflict 3 Credits
Second Term
- IP 504 Foundations of Conflict Analysis 3 credits
- IP 533 Conflict Transformation 3 credits
Third Term
- IP 583 Internship 3 credits
- IP 598 Capstone 3 credits
Fourth Term
- IP 583 Internship 6 credits
- IP 598 Capstone 3 credits
- IP 561 IPCR Colloquium (0 credits) is required every semester of study.
Elective Courses
- IP 511 Introduction to International Law (3 Credits)
- IP 515 Mediation and Conflict Coaching 3 credits
- IP 521 International Organizations in Dispute Resolution (3 Credits)
- IP 522 Conflict Resolution in Deeply Divided Societies (3 Credits)
- IP 524 Conflict Management (3 Credits)
- IP 525 Post-Conflict Reconstruction (3 Credits)
- IP 530 Social Life of War: Political, Cultural and Identity Processes in Global Conflict (3 Credits)
- IP 535 Economics, the Environment and Development (3 Credits)
- IP 537 Restorative Justice 3 credits
- IP 542 International Health and Human Rights (3 Credits)
- IP 543 Peace Perspectives of World Religions (3 Credits)
- IP 565 Natural Resources Wars (4 Credits)
- IP 570 International Human Rights (3 Credits)