Doctor of Physical Therapy students embark upon a rewarding journey of both personal and professional growth when they begin their clinical education. These experiences are interspersed throughout the curriculum for both the on-campus pathway and the hybrid pathway. Students are provided the opportunity to apply the knowledge obtained throughout the curriculum to real patients under the direct supervision and mentorship of a licensed physical therapist. In collaboration with the Directors of Clinical Education, students are evaluated by their clinical instructor on their professional knowledge, skills, and behaviors. The goal of clinical education is to meet or exceed expectations for an entry-level physical therapist. Students will learn and work with physical therapist clinical instructors and patients/clients in a variety of treatment settings including, but not limited to:
- major medical centers
- community hospitals
- rehabilitation hospitals and agencies
- home health
- school-based clinics
- private practices
The clinical education curriculum includes two part-time clinical experiences throughout the first year and three full-time clinical education experiences during the second year that total 32 weeks. Arcadia has established a nationwide clinical network of high quality partnerships in a wide variety of practice settings.
Integrated Clinical Education Experience
Students are immersed into the field of physical therapy during these first year part-time experiences. These experiences are designed to integrate with the program’s coursework and provide students a breadth of exposure across different practice settings. Integrated clinical education consists of clinic visits paired with guided small group discussions and reflections with peers. The primary purposes of the part-time experiences are to introduce students to physical therapy practice in both inpatient and outpatient settings, to mentor students in professional behaviors, and to integrate classroom knowledge into clinical practice.
Full-time Clinical Experiences
Full-time clinical education begins in the fall of Year 2, with an 8-week clinical education experience. Students are prepared to work in both inpatient and outpatient settings at this point in their education. They embark on their own professional growth and development while learning how to effectively deliver physical therapy services guided by mentorship from their clinical instructor. During this foundational full-time experience, there is special attention to hands-on skill development, clinical decision-making, communication, and plan of care development.
Upon completion of the didactic coursework in the spring of Year 2, students will begin their terminal clinical education experience. This 6-month time frame provides an opportunity for students to match with clinical partners for two 12-week experiences or one 24-week experience, based on the interests and needs of both the site and the student. Students complete their terminal clinical education experiences in practice settings across the healthcare continuum, in areas ranging from acute care or acute rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient settings, or home care, and may include specialty areas such as pediatrics, hand therapy, sports medicine, pelvic health, critical care, oncology, spinal cord injury, etc. The terminal clinical education experience allows for students to achieve and exceed entry-level expectations, carrying a full caseload of patients in the assigned practice setting while refining skills and decision-making abilities as an effective member of the interprofessional healthcare team.
Our program maintains strong relationships with affiliated clinical sites to ensure quality educational experiences that match our patient-centered curriculum. We offer a wide array of clinical placements that afford students the opportunity to complete experiences close to home or travel to experience something new. Clinical placements are made in consultation with the Directors of Clinical Education and clinical facilities for a match that is ideally suited to the strengths and interests of the student. Students are responsible for the additional costs of travel and housing associated with their clinical experiences.