NSF/NSA Grant Renewed for Dr. Ford’s GenCyber Coin Project

vitaly ford
This year, Dr. Vitaly Ford, assistant professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, is taking cybersecurity to universities and school districts around the country so students can learn the ins and outs of principles and best practices.
Support for this project comes from the National Security Agency (NSA), through the subaward from Tennessee Tech University (TTU). Last year, Arcadia received similar funding to develop the web platform GenCyberCoin Incentive System as part of the GenCyber Camp at TTU. The $27,280 grant will now be used to extend the project into other universities and high schools to teach hundreds of students about cryptocurrency, bug bounty, reconnaissance, security principles, password management, and other cybersecurity-related topics.
“GenCyberCoin was successfully deployed at Tennessee Tech’s GenCyber summer camps in 2017 and 2018,” said Dr. Ford. “Students expressed enthusiasm and actively participated in the platform, searching for bugs, performing reconnaissance, and earning coins for their leadership skills.”
GenCyber Camps were hosted by 122 colleges and universities this summer to help eighth- to twelfth-grade students develop skills and interest in cybersecurity. The GenCyberCoin program is a collaborative program with TTU that complements other activities. The platform is free to access.