Dr. Morrow Publishes on Peer Victimization Study

Director of Arcadia’s Graduate Counseling program and Associate Professor of Psychology Dr. Michael Morrow’s validating study for his scale to assess children’s experiences of peer victimization has been accepted by Merrill Palmer Quarterly, a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering developmental psychology.
The study, which will be published later this year, analyzed data collected from 1,400 fourth- and fifth-grade students through Dr. Morrow’s Forms of Peer Victimization Scale (FPVS), which assesses multiple forms of peer victimization, including physical victimization, verbal victimization, social victimization, and property attacks.
The scale stands out from other forms of measurement currently in use due to the fact that it includes the assessment of social rebuff and offers both self and teacher report measures.
“Childhood peer victimization is prevalent and harmful,” said Dr. Morrow about his research. “It is critical to carefully assess this construct.”