Arcadia President Ajay Nair Interviewed by Al Día about Future of Higher Education

By John DeRosier | December 21, 2022

Arcadia President Ajay Nair was featured in an Al Día news piece on the future of higher education, noting that it appears to be bright for underrepresented communities across the country. 

By 2026, Hispanic student enrollment in higher education across the U.S. will exceed 4.1 million, according to statistics from the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. This number outpaces the growth rate for other ethnicities and races by more than 10 percent. 

Nair discussed ways he and his cabinet here at Arcadia are working on making higher education more accessible to underrepresented communities. 

“For me, the opportunity to be president of Arcadia is this incredible alignment with the institution and with my own values, in terms of serving students from underrepresented backgrounds,” said Nair.