Arcadia Ranked as One of Top Colleges in Pennsylvania

Arcadia University is ranked by on its “The Top 29 Colleges in Pennsylvania” list.
The rankings, published this month, reflect the university’s strong commitment to molding future leaders and providing its students with the tools to succeed in life. uses a methodology based on quantitative measures such as academic quality, graduation rate, cost, return on investment, and student resources. Schools that make the list are recognized as highly regarded, affordable, and offer tools and resources students need to successfully graduate and excel in their fields.
Recent studies show that Bachelor’s degree holders earn 75% more than those with just a high school diploma. Moreover, the trajectory of earnings ascends with the level of educational attainment, showcasing a progressively larger payoff. The numbers are compelling: completing college positions allows individuals to earn a median lifetime income of $2.8 million, a significant leap from the $1.6 million median for those limited to a high school diploma.
In August, Arcadia was named one of The Princeton Review’s Best regional schools. The designation, falling under the Mid-Atlantic Region in its “2024 Best Colleges: Region by Region” web feature, reflects the Princeton Review’s assessment of Arcadia as “academically outstanding and well worth consideration” for any prospective student.