Arcadia to Host Public Safety Crisis Situation Session

By John DeRosier | February 28, 2023

On Tuesday, March 7, Public Safety and Arcadia University’s FBI liaison, special agent George Husk, will host a campus safety training session. The session is open to all faculty, staff, and students and will run from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Commons Great Room. Special Agent Husk’s presentation topics will include active shooter responses, indicators and procedures of bomb threats, and situational awareness.

Attendees will go over a review of protocols and procedures to follow in case of emergency situations. This session is part of Arcadia’s regular safety training and exercises, so anyone unable to attend can connect with Public Safety for information on upcoming sessions. 

Special Agent Husk joined the FBI in 2004 and has worked out of the Indianapolis Field Office, Philadelphia Field Office, and FBI Headquarters, as well as Iraq. Husk works as a Hazardous Evidence Response Team Leader, Campus Security Liaison Agent, and Civilian Active Shooter Training Coordinator. He has worked in investigative areas including violent crime, counterterrorism, hostage recovery, counterintelligence, hazardous evidence collection, and weapons of mass destruction matters. He also served as a certified WMD coordinator and hostage negotiator. 

For more information, contact Arcadia Public Safety at 215-572-2800 or