Computer Science Students Present at St. Joseph’s Research Symposium

Maisa Hamdan ’18, Angela Ludovico ’18, Jennifer Krezel ’18, and Brian Fridman ’18 discuss their poster with attendees.
On April 21, Computer Science students presented research on data mining and related topics at Saint Joseph’s University’s Sigma Xi Research Symposium. Led by Dr. Kathy Macropol, assistant professor of Computer Science, 22 students presented the following posters:
- Christine Acurantes ’17, Kin Lu ’19, Dylan Power ’19, and Lin Zhou ’17: “Is Location the Key to Restaurant Success? Using Data Mining Techniques to Determine Factors That Affect Restaurant Success”
- Daniel Dethero ’20, James Strouse ’19, Roshan Saganti ’18, and Hyunsoo Kim ’19: “Determining eSports Match Results in League of Legends”
- Elizabeth Gillen ’19, Phivian Phun ’19, Matthew Marino ’18, and Keilani Smith ’17: “Data Mining Analysis of Las Vegas Yelp Reviews for Nightlife, Casinos, and Bars”
- Maisa Hamdan ’18, Angela Ludovico ’18, Jennifer Krezel ’18, and Brian Fridman ’18: “Classification of Book Genres”
- Ricardo Rivera ’20, Taelor Rivera ’20, Zach Shoemaker ’20, Billy Bibbs ’20, and Mark Preedy ’20: “Predicting League of Legends Winners.”
Additionally, Chris Brent, senior Help Desk specialist in Information Technology, presented “Word Choice for Twitter News Posts” at the conference.