First-Year Forensic Science Students Tour Montgomery County Detectives Bureau

On November 25, first-year Master of Science in Forensic Science (MSFS) students in Professional Seminar 1 toured the Montgomery County Detectives Bureau in Norristown, Pa.
Thanks to the planning of Professor (Lieutenant) Ed Schikel and Program Director Dr. Fabio Oldoni, students heard presentations from several different departments including Homicide, Firearms, Special Services/Video Forensics, and Forensic Services. From these presentations, students learned more about what each unit does, as well as about some of the resources they utilize to perform their duties.
Next, on the tour of the facilities, students were able to see the video forensics analysis center. This is where much of the technology-related forensic work happens. The analysts gave a small demonstration of some of the work they do. Students also saw the evidence processing room, the rapid DNA testing instrument, the workstations of the firearms examiner, and a demonstration of how the NIBIN database works for firearms examination.
Thank you to everyone who made this visit possible and contributed to the student’s learning throughout the day!