Knight to Know: Mikayla Kummer ’23

By John DeRosier | February 7, 2023
Mikayla Kummer '23
Mikayla Kummer ’23 is a double major in Theater Arts and Global Media. She will be graduating this spring.

Hometown: Glen Burnie, Md.

Major: I am a double major in Theater Arts and Global Media.

Extracurriculars: I’m a stage manager for the Theater department and I’m currently preparing to stage manage Arcadia’s spring musical Polka Dots! When I’m not doing that I have two work study jobs that I adore. I produce videos for the theater department’s Marketing and PR team and take photos for Marketing and Communications.

Study Abroad Experience: I studied abroad in London during the 2020 spring semester at the Arcadia Center as well as the 2021/2022 academic year at the University of Westminster. 

Favorite memory from Arcadia: Besides the incredible study abroad program, my favorite thing about Arcadia is the Theater department. The professors are so knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced in what they do. Not only that, they truly care about us and want to know each one of us individually. The students are also incredibly talented, kind, and fun to work with. I’ve known a lot of them since day one and I’m grateful we’ve gotten to grow together. 

Post-grad plans: I don’t have any concrete plans for after graduation, but I do hope to continue my career in video production and hopefully make it back to England one day.